In Solidarity at the Keep Transit Public Rally

ATU Local 113 will fight to keep transit out of the hands of the private sector – wherever and whenever we see it happen. That’s why our members joined together with hundreds of Ontarians at Queen’s Park for the Keep Transit Public rally. Transit workers, advocates and riders all had one message for Ontario Liberal Leader Kathleen Wynne and Progressive Conservative Leader Doug Ford: we won’t standby as you try to upload the TTC subway and put it on the fast track to privatization.

With an imminent election, keeping transit public must be a priority for all candidates and parties. We were proud to see New Democratic Leader Andrea Horwath show her support for our campaign, emphasizing the value of public transit to the everyday lives of Torontonians. Like Ms. Horwath, we think it’s important to make transit available to everyone no matter where you live or how much you earn – that means keeping it public.

Our very own ATU Local 113 member, Richard Freitas, also spoke at the rally alongside ATU Canada president Paul Thorp. Richard reminded us all what happens when private companies get involved in our public transit systems. We won’t let the Liberals and Progressive Conservatives forget that private contractors cost more, deliver less, cut corners and take longer to get projects done.

Watch a video of the event here.

Let’s keep transit accountable to the people who use it – let’s keep it public. Learn more about the Keep Transit Public campaign and get involved:

ATU Local 113 Warns of Service Delays due to TTC’s Failure to Hire

ATU Local 113 is warning the public about potential service delays due to the Toronto Transit Commission’s failure to hire more workers.

The TTC has been operating with as high as 12 per cent of maintenance positions left unfilled. ATU Local 113 and its members are concerned the TTC has left these positions unfilled and are relying on overtime to make it easier to bring more privatization to Toronto’s public transit system.

Given these concerns over the TTC’s failure to hire, ATU Local 113 decided not to extend its agreement with the TTC to allow members to work as many as 64 hours per week. This decision came into effect April 30, 2018.

“With fewer workers on the job, we are warning riders of potential service impacts,” said Frank Grimaldi, ATU Local 113 President. “The city is in this position today because for far too long, the TTC neglected to hire enough workers to properly run our public transit system. ATU Local 113 is committed to the continuity of service while the TTC hires more public transit workers to ensure safe and reliable operations.”

Read more on the issue: 

Bringing the Keep Transit Public campaign to the NDP Campaign Launch

Ontario’s New Democratic Party leader Andrea Horwath launched her campaign to be Premier on Sunday from Hamilton. ATU Local 113 Executive Board Member John Di Nino attended the launch event – meeting after with Ms. Horwath to promote the Keep Transit Public campaign. Following a discussion about the importance of stopping the privatization of our public transit, she gave us a big thumbs up! With the provincial election approaching, it is important we are engaged with all parties trying to form government. Learn more about the Keep Transit Public campaign and get involved:

GO Transit union delivers fair tentative agreement – Why can’t the TTC do the same for us?

While the TTC has walked away from the negotiating table, ATU Local 113 has been – and remains – willing to negotiate a fair contract.

TTC management is taking unconventional and inappropriate steps to force us to retreat from our position.

The TTC will never intimidate us. The TTC will never weaken us. And the TTC will never divide us.

ATU Local 113 is strong. We are united. And we will get the fair contract you deserve.

We stand in solidarity with ATU Local 1587, which delivered today a fair and concrete tentative agreement for its members who work with GO Transit.

The agreement includes no concessions, no reductions to contracting out provisions, wage increases every year and benefit improvements. You can read the full tentative agreement in the attachment below.

Why won’t the TTC negotiate the same for us?

Your union will continue to fight for what you deserve – a fair and equitable contract.

The TTC is spreading false information about our union’s decision to end the excess overtime agreement. This decision has nothing to do with contract negotiations.

The TTC is attacking our union and your legal rights – and we’re not going to stand for it. We are going to defend ourselves and fight back.

We’re not going to take it – and neither should you!

ATU Local 113: United Together for a Healthier and Safer Workplace

On April 28th, ATU Local 113 pays respects, remembers and honours those who have been killed, injured or suffered illness as a result of work-related incidents. We also stand united and renew our commitment to improve health and safety in the workplace.

Watch the presentation commemorating the National Day of Mourning at our April union meeting and later, read our official recognition of the day in a letter from ATU Local 113 Health and Safety Representative Andrew Falotico:

Day of Mourning Letter


ATU Local 113 and Leafs Alumni Score Big for Multiple Sclerosis Research

The ATU Local 113 All-Stars faced off against the Toronto Maple Leafs Alumni team in a game full of good fun in support of a good cause. The annual charity game held at Ted Reeve Community Arena on March 10, 2018 was in support of Multiple Sclerosis research.

ATU Local 113 has supported Mount Sinai Hospital and its Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute for nearly a quarter of a century. Through member contributions, additional fundraising efforts and proceeds from the game, ATU Local 113 presented a cheque for $30,000. This adds to the over $1 million dollar donated by ATU Local 113 to date.

Join us next year as we hit the ice again for a good cause!

TTC Walks Away from the Negotiation Table with Toronto’s Transit Union

On April 17, 2018 at 4:30 PM, the TTC ended contract negotiations with ATU Local 113 – walking away from the bargaining table to sit and wait for the Ontario Ministry of Labour to appoint a conciliator. This follows ATU Local 113 submitting a proposal for consideration.

Toronto’s transit workers are disappointed by the TTC’s decision to abandon negotiations.

ATU Local 113, which represents nearly 11,000 public transit workers, is committed to negotiating a fair contract for workers that delivers safe and reliable public transit to Torontonians.  The union will continue its fight to protect pensions and benefits, while saving Toronto’s public transit system from privatization, which cost taxpayers more money in the end.

Toronto’s transit union invites the TTC to return to negotiations and bargain in good faith.

Torontonians ‘Sardine’ into Overcrowded Transit to Rally for a Fairly Funded System

On March 27, despite rainy weather, over 100 transit users came together in support of TTCrider’s Sardine Ride and Rally. ATU Canada and Local 113 Sisters and Brothers ‘sardined’ into overcrowded transit to take the message directly to the City of Toronto and Ontario governments that Torontonians deserve a fairly funded transit system. Armed with signs and sardine costumes, the Ride and Rally received media coverage from CityNews and CTV News.

A day after the ride, Kathleen Wynne and her Liberal government released the 2018 Ontario Budget, which included a break on GO Transit fares, but in an interview with CityNews, the TTCriders say the budget still fails to make the TTC more reliable and affordable.

ATU Local 113 will always stand in solidarity with those who fight for a fairly funded transit system that works for everyone. Learn more about TTCriders and their advocacy initiatives here.

Uploading TTC Subway lines a backdoor scheme to privatize public transit jobs

In the 2018 Ontario Budget, Premier Kathleen Wynne revealed the Liberals’ destructive plan to take over TTC Subway lines from the City of Toronto.

If this scheme sounds familiar, it is because Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservatives are also calling for the same, which is nothing more than a backdoor plan for the province and Metrolinx to privatize the cornerstone of Toronto’s public transit system.

“Across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Metrolinx is pushing privatization by making it impossible for public transit systems to operate and maintain new transit,” said Frank Grimaldi, President, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113. “Metrolinx taking over Toronto’s subway lines is a recipe for disaster that could lead to privatization, higher fares and even service cuts.”

Along with privatization, the Liberal and Conservative scheme to take away Toronto’s subway lines from the TTC raises serious issues of accountability and governance, while starving our public transit system of revenue.

“A divided transit system is bad news for workers and riders,” said Frank Grimaldi. “Why would the people of Toronto want to have a weaker voice when it comes to transit in our city? There is still time for transit workers to unite and tell Kathleen Wynne and Doug Ford that our subway system is not for sale.”

The stakes are high for transit workers. Make sure you follow – and get involved – in this upcoming provincial election. Local 113 will be very active in getting our message across. We have a Committee going around the property called “Keep Transit Public”.

Get involved and ensure the candidates know how you feel. We need a fully funded, strong and stable public transit system. That system is the TTC. One TTC. One ATU.