TTC Wi-Fi users need Twitter accounts this month

Dec 08, 2015

The TTC may have expanded its free Wi-Fi offering this month to another four stations. But the number of riders who can access it has been temporarily confined to those with Twitter accounts.

The social media company has a sponsorship agreement with BAI Canada, the TTC’s internet provider, for the month of December making internet access on the subway conditional on logging on to Twitter.

Riders who don’t have an account and want to text on the TTC would have to open one before heading underground. Those who already have one will automatically connect to the TConnect service on the TTC and remain connected for 12 hours on Wi-Fi accessible stations.

The transit sponsorship agreement is a first for Twitter, said spokesman Cameron Gordon.

“Anything in terms of privacy from our side is no different than if you were signing up for a Twitter account above ground,” said Gordon, adding that it takes about 45 seconds to create a Twitter account.

Twitter’s terms and conditions apply while you’re using it.

Once you’re on the system BAI, which has a 20-year, $25 million contract to provide internet on the TTC, has no access to your Twitter information, said BAI Canada chief operating officer Ken Ranger.

The TTC doesn’t pay for internet on the system. It is a sponsored service for which BAI is paying $25 million over 20 years for the rights, said transit spokesman Brad Ross.
He compared the Twitter agreement to accessing the internet at a coffee shop.

“Basically all it’s doing is opening up the pipeline for you to go on the internet when you’re in the stations. We don’t know who you are once you’ve logged in. It says, ‘Ok you have a Twitter account,’ and it opens up the pipeline,” he said.

The TTC launched Wi-Fi at Bloor Station about two years ago. Since then it has rolled out south of Bloor on the Yonge-University-Spadina line and from Christie to Castle Frank on the Bloor-Danforth subway.

The entire system will be Wi-Fi accessible by 2017.

Most riders can text but cellphone service is limited to users on WIND Mobile.

There are more than 12 million Canadian Twitter accounts and the Toronto area tends to have a higher per capita use of the site than other cities, said Gordon.

Mayor John Tory optimistic Trudeau will fund Toronto transit

Dec 03, 2015

Mayor John Tory says he is optimistic that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government will follow through on the funding promised to big cities like Toronto during the federal election campaign to help build green infrastructure and improve transit.

Tory is attending the international climate change summit in Paris, where he will take part in discussions with big-city mayors from around the world.

Money from the federal government is crucial to help Toronto build transit, deal with waste issues and retrofit buildings to make them greener, Tory said.

“Mr. Trudeau ran on a platform of cities in many respects, obviously tying in a lot of it to climate change and environmental issues,” Tory said Thursday. “I’m absolutely convinced he is genuine when he says he wants to invest in cities and a big part of that is public transit and infrastructure.”

During his campaign, Trudeau said his party was “fully committed to the federal share” of SmartTrack, the $8-billion transit plan touted by Tory. The federal government is expected to provide $2.6 billion.

Though he doesn’t know when and how that money is coming, Tory said he is confident Trudeau will deliver on the election promise.

“I’m optimistic about everything I’ve seen so far that he’s going to follow through on that and help us make the investment we need to make,” Tory said.

It will be difficult to get Torontonians to give up their cars until there is a convenient and affordable public transit option, he said.

“In Toronto we took a couple of decades off in building transit and now we are starting to put our funds in place to build transit in partnership with the other governments.”

2015 John Lorimer Memorial Scholarship Recipients

Jessica D’Ambrosio
University of Guelph
Biomedical Science
Parent: Joe D’Ambrosio
Greenwood Carhouse

Dylan Lee
Waterloo University
Bachelor of Mathematics
Parent: Anthony Lee
Malvern Garage

Melissa Bartolo Rego
University of Guelph
Bachelor of Science
Parent: Cesar Rego
Roncesvalles Carhouse

Alexandra Nicastro
Western University
Bachelor of Social Science
Parent: Antonio Nicastro
Davisville Carhouse

Joe Yang
University of Toronto
Bachelor of Science
Parent: Raymond Yang
Queensway Division

Adriano De Angelis
York University
Human Resources Management
Parent: Peter De Angelis
Duncan Shop

Samantha Gibson
McGill University
Bachelor of Arts
Parent: Gary Gibson
Duncan Shop

Timothy Chow
University of Toronto
Life Science
Parent: Donald Chow
Bloor Danforth Subway

Eric Zorbas
University of Ottawa
Bachelor of Science
Parent: James Zorbas

Arth Patel
University of Toronto
Bachelor of Science – Engineering science
Parent: Kamlesh Patel
Malvern Division

Victoria Bazak
University of Toronto
Bachelor of Art
Parent: Elsa Bazak
Collector Division

Jessica Boaventura
University of Guelph
BA Psychology
Parent: Frank Boaventura
Wilson Division

Nicholas Lee
University of Toronto
Parent: Douglas Lee
Arrow Road

Victoria Reuston
Trent University
Parent: Gary Reuston
Plant Plumber

Connor Garel
Ryerson University
Bachelor of Journalism
Parent: Charmaine Garel

Cassie Naylor
University of Toronto
Bachelor of Science
Parent: Robert Naylor
Birchmount Division

Rosa Sophia Pierri
Ryerson University
Media Production
Parent: Giuseppe Pierri
M & P Wilson

Cassandra Cali
George Brown College
Medical Office Administration
Parent: Mario Cali

Riyaz Shaikh
University of Waterloo
Bachelor of Business Administration
Parent: Mohammed Shaikh
Arrow Road Division

Ahmed Hanif
University of Toronto
Bachelor of Science
Parent: Muhammad Hanif
Lakeshore Division

Sarah Arab
University of Toronto Institure of Technologh
Bachelor of Science
Parent: Mohammed Arab

Justin Merrlles
Carleton University
Public Affairs & Policy Management
Parent: Tim Merrlles
Arrow Road

Ethan Liang
University of Waterloo
Ststems Design Engineering (BASc)
Parent: Jinhai Liang
Mount Dennis Garage

Shannon Fenech
Brock University
Bachelor of Arts – Film Studies
Parent: Charles Fenech
Duncan Shop

Grace Minoia
Wilfird Laurier University
Parent: Frank Minoia
Eglinton Garage

Sabrina Calandra
Ryerson University
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Parent: Anthony Calandra
Duncan Shop

Meaghan Cavanaugh
University of Toronto
Bachelor of Science
Parent: James Cavanaugh
Birchmount Division

Steven Mandarino
York University
Bachelor of Education
Parent: Santo Mandarino
Track & Structure

Angela Hoover
University of Toronto
Bachelor of Science – Life Science
Parent: Kenneth Hoover
Birchmount Admin

Abhimanyu Thakur
University of Toronto
Honours Bachelor of Science
Parent: Ripu Thakur
Arrow Road Division

Joanna Shanthiyapillai
McMaster University
Social Sciences
Parent: Carlyle Santhiapillai
Mount Dennis Division

Leah Katelyn Pimentel
University of Toronto
Bachelor of Arts
Parent: Tony Pimentel
Harvey Shop

Riley Jillian Summers
Queen’s University
Parent: Patrick Summers

Alexis Di Maria
Ryerson University
Bachelor of Design
Parent: Joseph Di Maria
Wilson Division

Malua Bailey
Ryerson University
Professional Communication
Parent: Michael Bailey
Roncesvalles Carhouse

Nina Lue
York University
BA Sociology
Parent: Henriques Lue
Mount Dennis Garage

Erin Brownhill
University of Toronto
Parent: Bruce Brownhill

Darlin Veloso
University of Toronto
Psychology and Sociology
Parent: Joel Veloso
Rail Subway Track

Named after a Local 113 President/Business Agent in the 1940’s, this scholarship is available to ATU 113 members’ children who are graduating from Grade 12 and who are advancing to a university degree program OR who are already enrolled in a university degree program and have not previously received a scholarship from Local 113. Congratulations to our recipients!

Veolia Workers Vote to End Viva Bus Strike in York Region

Fri, 2008-10-10

The strike by 170 Viva bus drivers in York Region that began on September 25 will end today following a vote to accept the employer’s offer that had been earlier rejected. Full service on Viva routes will resume early Saturday morning.

Veolia Transportation had threatened through the company’s lawyer that if their final offer was not accepted by close of business today, wage retroactivity would be withdrawn and wage decreases a possibility.

“Many members had requested a vote even before the company’s unusual threat,” said Bob Kinnear, President of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113. “As well, the Ministry of Labour representative had advised us that in view of the company’s action, a re-vote was warranted.”

“These members are all public service workers at heart, which is why they went into this line of work to begin with. They have a strong sense of community and responsibility to their passengers. But they felt they had to stand up to the company’s disrespect for them personally and for the value of their work.

“They have made their point and will now return to work. Unfortunately, the company’s bully tactics are not going to help repair labour relations, which have been deteriorating for the last couple of years.”

Kinnear pointed out that Veolia Transportation is a Paris, France-based global corporation driven by profits, not public service.

“This scenario is typical of what happens when you let the private sector take over public services. They do everything possible to make the workers’ jobs miserable and create animosity. This drives out experienced workers so that they can hire new, cheaper workers, increasing their profits.

“We have a settlement but we will not have peace unless the company starts showing respect and common human decency towards our members.”

ATU Officers Attend Funeral of Slain Bus Driver in New York City

Mon, 2008-12-08

ATU Local 113 President Bob Kinnear led a small delegation to New York City to attend the funeral of Edwin Thomas, a Bus Operator for the Metropolitan Transit Authority who was stabbed to death by a passenger over a transfer dispute.

Thomas, a 46 year old New York City Bus Operator was murdered on the job on December 1, 2008. Witnesses told police that a young man entered the bus and attempted to pay his fare by swiping an invalid MetroCard in the fare box two or three times. Even though the card was rejected, the man sat down without saying a word. Later, he approached Thomas and asked for a transfer. Thomas told the man he hadn’t even paid his fare so he couldn’t get a transfer. Outraged, the man punched Thomas in the head twice before exiting the bus but immediately returned and stabbed him several times in the chest, then fled. Two male passengers chased the assailant but could not catch him. Other passengers tried to assist Thomas but he was pronounced dead by the time he arrived at the hospital.

The Transit Workers Union Local 100 immediately offered a $12,000 reward in the case, which was matched by New York’s Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) and the New York Police Department for a total of $36,000. Less than 24 hours after the stabbing, police took into custody 20-year-old Horace Moore, who eventually confessed to the crime. He was charged with second-degree manslaughter. Moore had a long record as a juvenile offender and had previously spent time in custody.

Edwin Thomas had worked for the MTA for seven years. Co-workers described him as a hard worker who did a lot of overtime. He leaves behind an 18-year old son and a 16-year old daughter.

Upon hearing the news, Local 113 President Bob Kinnear called TWU Local 100 President Roger Toussaint to express his shock and concern. Kinnear, along with Secretary-Treasurer Les Moore and Executive Board member Ian Mackay went to New York to attend the funeral and to extend the condolences and solidarity of Local 113 members to Thomas’s grieving union and family.

After the funeral, Kinnear was interviewed by New York’s NBC-TV News:

“Nobody, nobody, should have to go to work and face the possibility of death, just doing their job. This funeral should serve as a wake-up call to lawmakers and city leaders.”

ATU 113 Supports Greater Penalties for Guns and Assaults on TTC

Mon, 2009-02-23

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113 came out strongly today in support of Ontario MPP Mike Colle’s private member’s bill that would impose a fine of up to $50,000 for anyone carrying a weapon onto a public transit vehicle and prescribe a two-year sentence for anyone who commits an act of violence against a transit employee or passenger. The union and Colle also want the federal government to amend the Criminal Code to provide for longer jail time for transit system assaults.

“We completely support Mike Colle’s initiative and our union will do whatever we can to advance it,” said Bob Kinnear, President of Amalgamated Transit Workers Local 113.

“In recent years there have been several shootings of passengers on the TTC subway and buses, including an 11-year-old girl. It wasn’t that long ago that an Operator, one of our members, was shot in the face and lost his eye and his occupation. In addition, quite a number of our members have seen people on TTC vehicles showing off guns. There should be serious penalties for this.”

Kinnear also said it was “about time” someone proposed stricter sentences for assaulting passengers and TTC employees.

“There are hundreds of assaults against TTC front line employees every year and many of them cause serious and permanent injuries. Assaults against passengers are also on the rise so riders and workers share a common concern.”

More severe penalties, however, are only a first step, Kinnear said.

“Preventing assaults in the first place requires more resources from senior levels of government for greater police presence on the system and the installation of optional plastic shields for operators to deploy when needed.

“So while we hope Mr. Colle’s bill passes and the federal government follows suit, we don’t want governments to think that they have solved this growing problem simply by imposing greater penalties.”

Kinnear added that crime prevention also means more resources for anti-violence and social integration programs. He pointed out that ATU 113 has been one of the largest contributors to the Toronto Argos Foundation’s Stop the Violence program since its inception. The program is aimed at at-risk youth in Toronto, with the participation of several Argos players.

“Our members see the effects of poverty, unemployment and youth alienation up close every day and we want to do our part to help address these social problems.

“We have to have serious penalties for assaulting people and carrying guns in public places but prevention is always preferable to after-the-tragedy punishment.”

Toronto Transit Union Member Rick Ball Breaks World Record in Boston Marathon


Rick Ball: ATU Marathon Man

Rick Ball, a TTC Subway Mechanic from Orillia, is a long-time member of ATU 113 who lost his left leg below the knee in a 1986 accident. He took up running in 2007 and quickly became a world-class amputee Marathoner with the dream of running in the world’s most prestigious Marathon in Boston.

On April 20, 2009, Rick not only ran in the 113th Boston Marathon but did so in record-breaking time. At 3:01:50, he finished in the top six percent of all runners in the Marathon and handily beat the previous 3:04:00 record for a single amputee set by Australian Amy Winters at the 2007 Chicago Marathon. Ball’s time is recognized as the new world record by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF).

“We are thrilled that Rick has achieved his dream of setting a world record in the world’s most famous marathon,” says Bob Kinnear, President of ATU 113, which represents 9,000 workers at the Toronto Transit Commission.

“Besides being a world class runner, he is also a world class human being, who gives much of his time to inspiring and helping children achieve their own dreams. We could not be prouder that he is a member of our union.”

One month after Boston, Rick set a new world record for the 10K distance at the Nordion Ottawa 10K Marathon. Shortly afterwards, he was invited to join Canada’s Paralympics Team and began the journey toward his next dream of representing Canada in the 2012 London Paralympics. On June 27, 2009, Rick ran the 10,000 meter event at the Canadian Track and Field Championships in Toronto and finished an amazing 14th overall, winning the Gold Medal in the T44 category (single leg amputee).

For an up-to-date history of this amazing athlete, visit his Facebook page and become a fan.

Antonio Almeida Memorial Plaque Dedication

Thu, 2009-04-23

On April 23, 2009, a Memorial Plaque dedicated to ATU 113 Member Antonio Almeida was unveiled in a small park on the west side of Yonge Street between Lytton Avenue and Alexandra Blvd., just above the spot in the Yonge St. subway tunnel where a workplace accident took his life exactly two years ago and seriously injured Tony’s co-workers on the tunnel asbestos removal crew.Speaking at the ceremony in this video were Gary Webster, Chief General Manager of the Toronto Transit Commission and Bob Kinnear, President of the Amalgamated Transit Workers Local 113.

Local 113 Supports Courage Canada, A Unique Hockey Program for Visually Impaired Children

Wed, 2009-09-23

ATU Local 113 is a proud supporter of Courage Canada, a Federally-registered non-profit organization founded in 2008 by Mark John DeMontis to give visually impaired children an opportunity to play hockey. Promoting awareness and fundraising for the unique program, the only one of its kind in the world, was the reason DeMontis began his “Quest to the West” on June 27. Starting in Toronto, Mark has been inline skating the 5000 kilometres to Vancouver, where he and his team expect to arrive in mid-October.

[image align=”alignleft” image_size_alias=”300*225″ image_alt=”” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=”” action=”none” image_action_link=”#” target=”_self” link_title=”” sc_id=”sc1336104121976″][/image] ATU Local 113 President Bob Kinnear gives Mark DeMontis a $5,000 cheque from the members of the union at a celebration prior to Mark’s “Quest to the West” inline skate marathon to Vancouver.

[image align=”alignleft” image_size_alias=”300*225″][/image]Close-up of the Courage Canada Van.

[image align=”alignleft” image_size_alias=”300*225″][/image]The Courage Canada Van. The familiar Maple Leaf logo of Local 113 is on both sides of the van along with those of other sponsors, Tim Horton’s, Reebok and the Lions Club.

Transit Union Supports Argos New High School Football Program

Thursday, Sep 24

Local 113 was on hand at C.W. Jefferys Collegiate in northwest Toronto to celebrate the launch of the “Level the Playing Field” program of The Argos Foundation, in partnership with the Toronto Argonauts Football Club, the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Foundation for Student Success. Local 113 has been a major supporter of the Argos Foundation since its inception.

Students at C.W. Jefferys Collegiate, gathered outside on their field to witness the return of their school’s football team for the first time in 19 years. Through The Level the Playing Field Program, The Argos Foundation has provided the funding for four Toronto high schools to resurrect their football teams, lost years ago to funding restraints. This year, C.W. Jefferys at Jane and Finch, North Albion Collegiate in Rexdale, Eastern Commerce in East York and Lester B. Pearson in Malvern, have welcomed students back to the gridiron.

Rocco Signorile, Local 113 Executive Board Member for Roncesvalles/Russell/Wheel-Trans, represented the Local.

Each school will have a designated Toronto Argonauts player as an ambassador to their team, attending practices, pep rallies and games at their designated schools. Toronto Argonauts Cheerleaders will work with the school’s cheerleading team, teaching them dance routines and sideline cheers. Even the Toronto Argonauts Coaching staff are getting involved, hosting an exclusive coach’s clinic for the new team coaches.

[image align=”alignleft” image_size_alias=”250*194″ image_alt=”” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=”” action=”none” image_action_link=”#” target=”_self” link_title=”” sc_id=”sc1336104121976″][/image]Rocco with CITY-TV newscaster Dwight Drummond, a member of the board of the Argos Foundation and a former C.W. Jefferys student. Drummond thanked ATU Local 113 for their support of the Argos Foundation and also for our generosity in helping fund The Children’s Breakfast Club, which provides a nutritious morning meal for hundreds of disadvantaged school children.

[image align=”alignleft” image_size_alias=”250*194″ image_alt=”” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=”” action=”none” image_action_link=”#” target=”_self” link_title=”” sc_id=”sc1336104121976″][/image]Rocco Signorile with the quarterbacks of two of the high school teams being supported by the Argos Foundation, along with Argos QB Kerry Joseph.