Setting the Record Straight: The Kinnear/Unifor Challenge

The coordinated plot to disaffiliate Local 113 from the ATU has now been exposed. More important, this plot is doomed to fail because of unprecedented support from you, ATU Local 113 members, for your union.

With so much disinformation out there, your Executive Board is setting the record straight with the facts. For this reason, we’ve prepared this new brochure that includes the facts about the Unifor challenge. We encourage all members to read it.



Stand with ATU Local 113 on Sunday, March 19!

We’ve reached a turning point. Bob Kinnear has resigned as President.

Now, we can move forward – united as one.

The Executive Board will continue to fight for the issues that matter to you, but we need your help.

This Sunday, March 19, we have a members meeting scheduled, and it’s more important than ever that you attend. We will discuss how our union is moving forward and we’ll address your questions and concerns.

We are expecting a large crowd so we have moved the meeting to a new venue:

Date: Sunday, March 19, 2017
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Montecassino Hotel & Event Venue, 3710 Chesswood Drive
(Located off Sheppard between Dufferin and Keele)

Now, more than ever, we need to show strength in our numbers.

Come stand with your Local 113 Executive Board – and with your sisters and brothers.

Together on Sunday, let’s show the employer our union is strong and united.

Bob Kinnear Resigns as President of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113

The Executive Board of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113 has accepted the resignation of Bob Kinnear as President of the local transit union, effective immediately.

Along with the resignation, the Canadian Labour Congress investigation, initiated by Bob Kinnear, into the relationship of ATU Local 113 and ATU International has ended.

The leadership of the union has been restored under the direction of ATU Local 113’s Executive Board.

“With this distraction behind us, we’re now focused on what matters most – representing Toronto’s hardworking transit workers,” said Kevin Morton, Secretary-Treasurer of ATU Local 113. “More united than ever, we’re moving forward to fight the TTC’s plans for alcohol and drug testing and to prepare for next year’s important collective bargaining.”

ATU Local 113 Executive Board Votes “No Confidence” in Bob Kinnear as Head of TTC Workers Union

Motion against Bob Kinnear at emergency session comes amid calls for his resignation

TORONTO, ONTARIO – (February 21, 2017) – The elected Executive Board members of Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 113 met in emergency session tonight and unanimously condemned the recent actions of Local 113 President Bob Kinnear who conspired to disaffiliate the local from the ATU.

Following the unanimous approval of a motion for Bob Kinnear and his allies to cease and desist from directing or assisting any campaign to take Local 113 out of the ATU, the Executive Board, amid calls for his resignation, further rebuked Bob Kinnear by unanimously approving a motion of “no confidence” in his leadership.

As directed by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice decision enjoining the ATU International trusteeship of Local 113, the Executive Board unanimously demanded that Bob Kinnear immediately withdraw his request to the Canadian Labour Congress seeking justification for a disaffiliation vote. The Executive Board, elected by nearly 11,000 TTC workers, went on record opposing all efforts to decertify, disaffiliate or raid Local 113.

Other motions Executive Board members passed at the emergency session demanded that Bob Kinnear withdraw his request to the Court to sue “as a representative of the local and/or its members” and that Local 113 be responsible for any damages arising from his lawsuit over the trusteeship. The Executive Board also approved a motion of “no confidence” against two elected officers who worked alongside Bob Kinnear to disaffiliate Local 113.

The Executive Board of ATU Local 113 is composed of 15 elected representatives following two recent resignations. All but three members attended the emergency session.

Feb 18 2017: ATU Local 113 Moving Forward Rally



This Family Day weekend, rally with your ATU Local 113 sisters and brothers to show the city and the country that we are moving forward as one. We are not for sale. We will not be divided. We stand united in our pursuit of justice on the job and a brighter future for all.

T-shirts and answers to the important questions you have raised in recent days will be available during and after the rally.

ATU Local 113 Statement on CLC Decision to End Unifor Raid Attempt

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113 Statement on Canadian Labour Congress Decision to End Unifor Raid Attempt

TORONTO, ONTARIO – (February 10, 2017) – The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) today informed the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 113 that it has decided to reinstate its rules against raiding the local transit union.

Statement by Manny Sforza, Trustee, ATU Local 113:

“This decision by the CLC speaks to the overwhelming support ATU Local 113 has received in recent days from the vast majority of elected officials, stewards and the hardworking transit workers from across our great city and country. ATU is dedicated to transit workers, and like always, we will keep fighting for the interests of our members in Toronto.

The decision by the CLC to restore rules against raids is good for Canada’s labour movement. However, we remain disappointed by how a spokesperson at the CLC mischaracterized ATU in previous public statements, which was completely disconnected from the support we value from our members.

Bob Kinnear’s unilateral decision to walk away from ATU Local 113 was nothing more than a distraction from what matters most – the hardworking transit workers who move Toronto. With this distraction now behind us, ATU Local 113 will continue to focus on the interests of our members.”


ATU Local 113 Statement on CLC Decision to End Unifor Raid Attempt - 2

Transit Unions across Canada Unite in Solidarity with TTC Workers

Amalgamated Transit Union members speak out against attempted raid of ATU Local 113 

TORONTO, ONTARIO – (February 9, 2017) – In a strong show of solidarity with the brothers and sisters of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 113, today more than a dozen local union officers, including seven local presidents and the president of ATU Canada, stood shoulder-to-shoulder with ATU Local 113 at a news conference in downtown Toronto. Together, they represent tens of thousands of Canadian transit workers.

This show of strength comes after former Local 113 head, Bob Kinnear, announced he is working with Unifor to raid his own local.

Their message was clear: one person alone will not destroy a strong and united ATU that fights for the interests of thousands of hardworking transit workers and riders in Toronto and across Canada.


Statements from Presidents of ATU Locals across Canada:


Eric Tuck, President, ATU Local 107, Hamilton

“I am a part of one of the oldest Canadian ATU Locals. We went through our own fight like this from 2001-2002 when the government forced amalgamation of city unions. ATU 107 was up against a much larger union, but the International came to help alongside locals from all over Canada.  And we won! I’ve done my homework. There’s not a Unifor contract for transit workers that even compares to ATU’s. They don’t even come close.”


Jack Jackson, Acting President/Business Agent, ATU Local 1572, Mississauga

“This has nothing to do with unionism. And this has nothing to do with an International versus a Canadian union. This is about Bob Kinnear trying to find a place for Bob Kinnear. I don’t want to see my brothers and sisters belong to anyone other than this historic union of ours. This union has represented and protected us regardless of the borders for 120 years. None of us want to see this change.

ATU International is rolling out training videos so smaller locals like mine don’t have to spend excessive amounts of member money traveling for training. They’re fighting against assaults on bus operators, for bathroom breaks, and to fix blind spots on our buses. No other union is taking on those issues like ATU. We are by far the leaders in the transit industry.”

“The truth is that Bob Kinnear kept ATU Local 113 from getting help from the International. When Toronto-area locals had a meeting regarding MetroLinx, I reached out to the International President for help and he responded immediately.”


Jamie Larkin, President, ATU Local 1760, Ottawa

“For me, it’s about the members. I’m worried about what they’re going to lose if they are dragged into another union. They might be losing pensions, contract language… who knows? I’m here on their behalf.”

“This dispute isn’t about Washington. It’s not even about Canada. It’s about Bob. He doesn’t want anyone to do anything that he doesn’t control. Anytime Local 1760 has asked for assistance, the International has been right there to help.”


Clint Crabtree, President, ATU Local 279, Ottawa

“I’m afraid that if we let Bob and Unifor split up Local 113, it could happen to all local unions in Canada. Unifor is not the union I want to be a part as I am happy with ATU. We have a longstanding history. My members feel the same way.”

“Anytime I’ve reached out to anyone from the International, they got back to me immediately.”

“For the International General Executive Board to recognize Tommy Douglas, a Canadian, and put his name on a building where we get to attend trainings. That’s an honor. How can you say there’s a conflict?”


John Marchington, Assistant Business Agent, ATU Local 279, Ottawa

“ATU took a century to build the strong contracts we have today. What has Unifor done? They are promising nothing will happen to ATU Local 113’s pensions. Ask yourselves how that worked out for autoworkers.”



How Did We Get Here, and What Do We Do Next?

With the outpouring of support from more than 90% of our elected shop stewards, now 13 out of 17 of our Executive board members, and the fierce loyalty of you, the members who keep Toronto moving, ATU Local 113 is back to the business of representing its members – and that means every day we are 100% focused on issues that matter to public transit workers.

We’re turning our focus to the issues you face, from grievances in the divisions and shops to protecting our public pensions to fighting attacks like the province’s essential services law and TTC’s drug testing. Nonetheless, we hear your calls for help clearing up the confusion. To help, we put together this timeline of events:

  • August 2015: Kinnear says it’s time “to pass the torch.” He announces that he won’t run for re-election. September 2015: Kinnear is elected president of ATU Canada.
  • October 2015: He decides to run for re-election as President of ATU Local 113 after all. Several days later, he is forced to resign as President of ATU Canada.
  • December 2015: Kinnear is narrowly re-elected but violates the union constitution, illegally using membership lists in campaign while denying opponents access. A special election is ordered.
  • September 2016: Kinnear is re-elected in special election.
  • October 2016: Kinnear breaks commitment to ATU Local 113 members to stay a full term. He immediately announces his campaign for ATU International Vice President. He loses.
  • February 2017: By seeking to bring ATU Local 113 members out of their union without the consent of their elected Executive Board, Kinnear violates union constitution and local by-laws. This triggers a trusteeship by the ATU International. Most board members and stewards rally once they understand that Kinnear is no longer representing us.

Shortly after, the trustee uncovers documents showing Kinnear secretly conspired with Unifor to raid ATU Local 113. He took ATU membership lists to help raid. At a press conference with Unifor, he admits his betrayal and knowing its consequences:

“If I had brought this to a full board meeting…I would have been ousted five minutes after that meeting was over.” – Bob Kinnear, February 7, 2017, The Globe and Mail

Next in 2017: ATU Local 113 trustee and leaders have restored full operations to the local. We will hold a hearing soon regarding removed officers. ATU Local 113 remains the official bargaining unit representatives of TTC transit workers.