ATU Local 113 Bus Operator at Arrow Road Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

We received unfortunate news today that an ATU Local 113 member, a bus operator at Arrow Road division, has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

I spoke with the member who is recovering at home. On behalf of all ATU Local 113 members, we wish them a quick and full recovery.

The member last worked on Wednesday, September 9 and received the positive test result on Monday, September 14.

This case marks the 64th ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Thirteen TTC employees who are not ATU Local 113 members have also tested positive, bringing the total number of confirmed cases at the TTC to 77.

Please practice physical distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

ATU Local 113 and Allies Rally to Restore Full Service on TTC

ATU Local 113, TTCriders and other allies held a rally today outside Scarborough—Rouge Park MPP Vijay Thanigasalam’s office to draw attention to overcrowding on the TTC ahead of students’ return to school this week.

“We’re continuing our calls for the TTC to restore full service and bring back all our laid off workers immediately. The Ontario government must provide transit with permanent funding to prevent overcrowding in the long term.” said ATU Local 113 President Carlos Santos.

Thank you to all that came out and supported today!

CBC News: Protesters create ‘COVID-19 East’ bus to focus attention on TTC crowding

Globe and Mail: For the sake of our cities, we can’t let the pandemic infect the future of public transit

ATU Local 113 is encouraging all Torontonians to read a column by The Globe and Mail’s Editorial Board that reminds readers that the pandemic isn’t permanent and cuts to transit will have far-reaching effects in the future as riders return.

Despite the serious challenges we face this fall, the Globe correctly points out that Canada’s cities, including Toronto, need long-term plans for mass transit and improved service to prevent congestion and support sustainable growth beyond the coronavirus pandemic.

“Long-term planning and funding will allow the TTC to operate and maintain a world-class system that will prevent congestion, reduce emissions and accommodate a growing population” said ATU Local 113 President Carlos Santos

READ: For the sake of our cities, we can’t let the pandemic infect the future of public transit

ATU Local 113 Trainee at Greenwood Carhouse Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

We received unfortunate news today that an ATU Local 113 member, a trainee at Greenwood Carhouse, has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

I spoke with the member who is recovering at home. On behalf of all ATU Local 113 members, we wish them a quick and full recovery.

The member last worked on Friday, September 4 and received the positive test result on Monday, September 7.

This case marks the 63rd ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Twelve TTC employees who are not ATU Local 113 members have also tested positive, bringing the total number of confirmed cases at the TTC to 75.

Please practice physical distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

Labour Day 2020: A Just Recovery for All

An important Labour Day message from the Toronto & York Region Labour Council:

Dear Friends,

This Labour Day is the first time in 149 years that we will not be on the streets showing our pride in what we do and raising our voices for social and economic justice. But health and safety must come first! While we will miss seeing our Sisters and Brothers out Monday morning showing our labour pride, we are excited about the launch of our A Just Recovery for All campaign.

Over 30 local and national affiliates have jumped on board and the solidarity shows: over 130 buses will feature our ad, each directly sponsored by an affiliate, and banners will be up on six highway bridges in Toronto. Digital ads are appearing across social media and we launch our virtual parade – this Sunday at 2pm on Facebook and YouTube – featuring the wonderful diversity of Toronto and York Region’s labour movement.

It’s been a hard year for workers and our communities with COVID-19, the impact of systemic racism and the economic uncertainty facing us all. This year, it’s more important than ever to show our union pride, celebrate and speak out for justice.

Here are ways you can participate and help spread the message:

Virtual Labour Day Parade – Premieres Sunday at 2pm on Facebook and YouTube

A dynamic variety show featuring the wonderful diversity of Toronto’s workers from teachers, nurses, paramedics, construction workers, grocery clerks, public servants, actors and more.

Link to shareable assets


SPOT-A-BUS Contest – New draw every week all month

Keep your eyes peeled to catch one of our 130 A Just Recovery for All bus ads across Toronto and York Region. All you have to do is take a photo, post it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with #JustRecoveryForAll and each week we’ll do a draw for a chance to win a spot in the next issue of Labour Action Magazine and other prizes!

Link to shareable assets


A Just Recovery for All

Our theme this year is a call to action for decision-makers at all level of government to tackle the deeply entrenched economic and racial inequality of our society. And our imagery features some of the essential workers who make up our membership and continue to work on the front-lines to keep our communities safe.

Read about our campaign
Find assets to share online


History of Labour Day – Did you know Toronto inspired the creation of Labour Day? We have created some assets to share that fun facts widely on social media!

Link to shareable assets


Virtual Programme – Launches Sunday at 2pm online

Featuring our participating affiliates and our labour community, the virtual programme will be live along with the virtual parade. Check out our website and social channels to get your copy!


Forward Together, A Canadian Plan

Monday 1pm on Facebook – The Canadian Labour Congress invite you to celebrate Labour Day with Canada’s unions! Canada has weathered the pandemic better than the United States, because we all worked together. Now we need to keep sticking together and disaster-proof Canada for the future. Join the movement for an economic recovery that work for all persons living in Canada. Tune in to their Facebook page on Labour Day at 1 p.m. EDT to help launch their new campaign Forward Together, A Canadian Plan. Featuring: a message from the President, and special tributes and stories from workers about their experiences.

We wish everyone a happy and safe Labour Day!

ATU Local 113 Unites for Labour Day 2020

Sisters and Brothers,

As we recognize and celebrate Labour Day 2020, we acknowledge that this has been a year like no other for our union, Toronto and beyond.

Through a global pandemic, layoffs and 62 Sisters and Brothers testing positive for the coronavirus, ATU Local 113 members have been serving our city every single day this year. We thank each and every one of you for your distinguished service. Your commitment is nothing but inspiring, and I have never been prouder to be the President of ATU Local 113.

Whether it’s fighting for health and safety, protecting jobs or advocating for government funding, Labour Day 2020 reminds us of the importance of being united through a strong organized labour union.

Before the pandemic was even declared, ATU Local 113 was busy advocating for our members’ health and safety while the TTC dragged its feet. Face masks may be a common sight nowadays but let’s remember that our members weren’t even allowed to wear them on the job until March. We fought for that, called for masks to be mandatory for riders and earned numerous additional protections for our members.

When ridership plummeted in the spring, the TTC announced that it would cut service and lay off 1,000 members. While our union’s hard work behind the scenes helped cut the number of layoffs in half to 450, these cuts were deep and insulting, especially in light of your hard work on the frontlines of a global pandemic. The TTC’s recent decision to recall 150 members is helpful but it won’t be enough. Our city needs full service reinstated immediately and ATU Local 113 will not stop until all our members are back at work.

Our union successfully led the campaign for transit to receive emergency funding from the government and provincial governments, but we’ll continue advocating for a transformed TTC funding model.

Staying true to our values, Local 113 also recognizes the importance of standing in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. There is no place for intolerance of any kind, racial or otherwise, in our union or in our communities. Our society is facing an overdue reckoning with racial injustice, diversity and inclusion. ATU Local 113 will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with this movement.

The difficulties faced in 2020 remind us that we are stronger together. That we must stay united and fight for our rights as workers. And that there are no days off when you’re committed to serving your community. This Labour Day, let’s celebrate how far we’ve come and acknowledge the hard work that lies ahead.


In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

ATU Local 113 Wheel-Trans Operator Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

We received unfortunate news today that an ATU Local 113 member, a Wheel-Trans operator, has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

I spoke with the member who is recovering at home. On behalf of all ATU Local 113 members, we wish them a quick and full recovery.

The member last worked on Wednesday, August 26 and received the positive test result on Sunday, August 30.

This case marks the 62nd ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Twelve TTC employees who are not ATU Local 113 members have also tested positive, bringing the total number of confirmed cases at the TTC to 74.

Please practice physical distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

CBC: Transit union welcomes recall of 150 laid off operators but says all TTC workers need to return

Following the news that the TTC would recall 150 laid off transit workers in September, ATU Local 113 President Carlos Santos told the CBC the following:

“We welcome the addition of 150 of our laid off members back. We are still pushing for the remainder. We want full service, we want Torontonians to get back on transit and we believe that transit should be at 100 per cent.”

Click the link below to read the full article:

Transit union welcomes recall of 150 laid off operators but says all TTC workers need to return


ATU Local 113 Member from Customer Service Centre Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

We received unfortunate news today that an ATU Local 113 member, an employee at the Customer Service Centre, has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

On behalf of all ATU Local 113 members, we wish them a quick and full recovery.

The member received the positive test result on Thursday, August 27.

This case marks the 61st ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Twelve TTC employees who are not ATU Local 113 members have also tested positive, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 73.

Please practice physical distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

Toronto Star: Laid off TTC employees called back to work ahead of school re-opening

The TTC has announced that it will call back 150 laid-off transit workers in September to prepare for an expected increase in ridership.

“ATU Local 113 has been fighting for the return of all workers since the TTC announced layoffs in April. In recent weeks, we have urged the TTC to restore full service ahead of schools reopening and with more people returning to work. While I’m happy to see the return of 150 of our Sisters and Brothers, I’m again calling on the TTC to bring back all 450 laid-off workers so riders can commute with as much physical distancing as possible,” said  Carlos Santos, ATU Local 113 President.

Click the link below to read the full article:

Laid off TTC employees called back to work ahead of school re-opening