ATU Local 113 was out in the community today for another successful food drive with the Youth Association for Academics, Athletics and Character Education (YAAACE). A big thanks to our volunteers and donors!
– President Carlos Santos
ATU Local 113 was out in the community today for another successful food drive with the Youth Association for Academics, Athletics and Character Education (YAAACE). A big thanks to our volunteers and donors!
– President Carlos Santos
Like all ATU Local 113 members, Donna Kuzmanovska is among Toronto’s finest as she protects TTC riders from COVID-19. President Santos would like to thank Donna and all TTC workers for continuing to operate a safe transit system during this pandemic.
Read more at the link below. TTC station janitor’s top priority is to protect riders from COVID-19
Sisters and Brothers,
ATU Local 113 would like to thank and congratulate Brother Chris Jones, a proud Local 113 member for many years, community champion and the recipient of the Rotary Foundation’s Paul Harris Fellow Award 2020. We encourage all members to read his story below.
Congratulations Chris! Your charitable work and commitment to our community is inspiring.
In solidarity
President Carlos Santos
The TTC’s 2021 Annual Service Plan’s calls for reduced service of more than 300,000 hours is public transit moving in the wrong direction.
ATU Local 113 President Carlos Santos told the Toronto Star that “Every hour of service cut results in longer wait times and more overcrowding, which is a public health issue during a pandemic. It will be impossible for Toronto’s economy to recover from the coronavirus pandemic and for us to meet our long-term climate change goals unless we increase the use of public transit. The TTC cannot increase ridership with more crowded vehicles or longer wait times.”
The provincial and federal governments must provide stable transit funding to ensure TTC service is increased, rather than decreased, in 2021.
Toronto Star: TTC plans to continue at reduced pandemic service levels in 2021
Sisters and Brothers,
Today, I am again calling on the TTC to take immediate steps to protect the health and safety of our members. As we continue to see overcrowding on several TTC routes and many riders refusing to wear masks, the TTC must step up and take the following actions:
In letters sent this week to TTC CEO Rick Leary, Toronto Mayor John Tory and Ontario Transportation Minister Caroline Mulroney, I again called on the TTC to take action to protect workers and the public.
Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, ATU Local has fought for your health and safety. As we’re in the second wave, we will continue to fight for you.
If you see anything that violates health and safety practices, please file numbered occurrence reports at your workplace. This is important – ATU Local 113 will always support its members when they have health and safety concerns, but we need formal complaints to better address these issues at the TTC.
Our members have placed themselves and their loved ones at risk by continuing to work every day of the pandemic, through temporary layoffs, service cuts and countless other daily challenges. I recognize and appreciate the sacrifice you make to keep our city moving and I ask for the TTC to do the same by taking steps to better protect you.
In solidarity,
Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113
Sisters and Brothers,
With the recent increase of COVID-19 cases affecting members and others across our city and province, ATU Local 113 would like to address members’ concerns. Your safety and well-being is always our top priority.
From the beginning of the pandemic, ATU Local 113 fought hard to secure protections for members. As the pandemic wears on, we’ll continue advocating on your behalf and demanding that the TTC do everything it can to protect you.
In order to hold the TTC responsible for its obligations, we encourage members to file a numbered occurrence report at their workplace if they ever see something that violates proper health and safety practices. This applies to all divisions and for maintenance staff on shop floors.
ATU Local 113 has also set up a new web page that lists and tracks all member coronavirus cases. ATU Local 113 updates this page as soon as we are informed of a member testing positive for COVID-19.
With the development of COVID-19 vaccines showing promising results, there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Until then, please physical distance as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell.
We will come out of this crisis more united and stronger than ever.
In solidarity,
Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113
Sisters and Brothers,
ATU Local 113 will be hosting a virtual information session for members through Zoom on Wednesday, December 16 at 7 p.m. Members can register at the link below by providing their full name, email address, badge number and work location.
Please note that the cut off time for registration is 3 p.m. on December 16.
After registering, members will receive a confirmation email from Zoom with their secure personalized link. They will be able to participate by clicking on that link at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16, 2020.
Members are encouraged to submit their questions at the time of registration, but there will also be a live moderated Q&A period at the meeting.
For security reasons, only computer access will be allowed. There will be no option to phone in to the webinar.
We look forward to speaking with you soon.
In Solidarity,
Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113
Sisters and Brothers,
ATU Local 113 has launched a new web page that tracks all positive ATU Local 113 member coronavirus cases.
Members will now be able to find relevant information about positive cases in one place. This page can be accessed on our website’s main menu or at the link below.
Moving forward, ATU Local 113 will be updating this page as soon as we are informed of a member testing positive for COVID-19.
In solidarity,
Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113
Sisters and Brothers,
We received unfortunate news today that an ATU Local 113 member, a bus operator at Arrow Road, has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).
I spoke to the member who is self isolating at home. On behalf of all ATU Local 113 members, we wish them a quick and full recovery.
The member’s last shift was on Saturday, November 14 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. They received the positive test result on Tuesday, November 17.
This case marks the 157th ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. A total of 181 employees at the TTC have tested positive for COVID-19.
Please practice physical distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell. If you have been tested and are awaiting your results, please stay home and self-isolate.
In Solidarity,
Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113
Sisters and Brothers,
We received unfortunate news today that an ATU Local 113 member, a streetcar operator at Russell Streetcar Yard, has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).
I spoke to the member who is self isolating at home. On behalf of all ATU Local 113 members, we wish them a quick and full recovery.
The member’s last shift was on November 3 and they received the positive test result on November 15.
This case marks the 153rd ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. A total of 174 employees at the TTC have tested positive for COVID-19.
Please practice physical distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell. If you have been tested and are awaiting your results, please stay home and self-isolate.
In Solidarity,
Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113