ATU Local 113 Supports Yonge Street Mission Toy Drive

The ATU Local 113 Women’s Committee and Executive Board Members joined Brother Claude Willis from Arrow Road Division for the Holiday Toy Drive on December 8, 2019. We provided three families from the Yonge Street Mission with a holiday that they deserve.

Thank you to the Sisters and Brothers of ATU Local 113 who have supported our 50/50 draws. Thanks to your generosity, we have been able to give families a Christmas to remember this year, and provide backpacks and school supplies to children in need.

We’d also like to extend our congratulations and thanks to our last 50/50 draw winner, Wilson operator Yen Yuan Lin, badge #80918.

ATU Local 113 stands with Toronto and York Region Labour Council to fight climate change

Having a properly funded public transit system is a key component of developing sustainable communities and fighting climate change. Failing to act now just means that we’ll end up paying more later – and the stakes are too high for us to pass the buck to the next generation.

That’s why ATU Local 113 members, like Grace Udoh who is featured in the following post, are proud to stand in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in the Toronto and York Region Labour Council who are fighting to build a green future for our city. Read more about their campaign and what you can do to help here.

ATU Local 113 in the Community: Christopher Jones

A highlight of summer in Toronto is the diverse community events across the city. Accessible by streetcars, subways, wheel-trans and buses, they offer families the opportunity to reconnect with those closest to them – all while having fun! Christopher Jones, an Operator at Malvern Division, is dedicated to finding opportunities to help others and community events became one of his ways to offer a lending hand. With the support of ATU Local 113 and its Sisters and Brothers, Christopher has brought bouncy castles, floats and other fun and important additions to events across the city – for the benefit of all.

“I believe that a community is made up of people getting involved. You do not have to be a part of the community to help. I give back on behalf of ATU 113 to the community we serve,” Chris explains.

Christopher Jones in-front of ATU Local 113’s bouncy castle at Vaughan Fiesta Extravaganza

And a busy summer getting involved he’s had. Already, he has supported the Pinoy Fiesta & Trade Show and Vaughan Fiesta Extravaganza. Next is the Toronto Caribbean Carnival where he’ll lead a float of Sisters and Brothers.

Supporting community events is just part of what Christopher does in his spare time. He’s served on ATU Local 113’s Rec Committee and United Way team, while currently involved with the Willowdale Rotary Association and Knights of Rizal.

Thank you to Christopher for all your hard work!

#TTCpride: ATU Local 113 Marches in Rainbows to Celebrate Achievements, Continue Fight for Equality

Building on longstanding traditions, ATU Local 113 Sisters and Brothers marched proudly in Toronto’s 38th annual Pride Parade. While June is designated Pride month, the Local will always stands in solidarity in the fight for equal rights. The Parade offers the opportunity to celebrate LGBTQ+ community achievements while recommitting to their full inclusion in society – under the law and in our culture.

Group photo at Rosedale Valley Road in front of the fabulous TTC Pride bus.

Despite a heavy downpour, ATU Local 113 Sisters and Brothers marched alongside the TTC Pride bus: dancing, waving flags and laughing. The parade route on Yonge Street from Church and Bloor to Yonge and Dundas Square was a sea of colour representing a message of unity and peace.

Grace Udoh dances excitedly through the streets of Toronto while wearing her custom ATU Local 113 rainbow t-shirt.

Matthew Ennamorato and Richard Freitas wave the ATU Local 113 flag high in the sky on Bloor Street.

ATU Local 113 marches in rainbows to celebrate achievements continue fight for equality image 4

Matthew Ennamorato, Emily Daigle, Richard Freitas, Kathleen Zamora, Grace Udoh, Trey Zamora and Deborah Littman amongst other ATU Local 113 Sisters and Brothers.

Thank you to all ATU Local 113 Sisters and Brothers who participated in the Parade. To get your hands on the rainbow ATU Local 113 t-shirt or to be notified about details for the march next year, please contact



Watch: Friends Reconnect, Reminisce and Share why ATU Local 113 is More Important than Ever at the 2018 Pensioners’ Party

In May, hundreds of Sisters and Brothers gathered for the annual ATU Local 113 Pensioners’ Party. This highly anticipated gathering provided ATU Local 113 pensioners the opportunity to reconnect with their old friends and reminisce on all the accomplishments they achieved when they stood together as part of ATU Local 113.

Amidst great food, music and conversation, ATU Local 113 Pensioners and current Executive Board members shared tips and insights for current union members. Hear it directly from attendees of the 2018 Pensioners’ Party – and make sure to join us next year:

Celebrate Toronto Pride by Marching with ATU Local 113


Toronto’s Pride Parade is an opportunity to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community – and to stand in solidarity with the values of acceptance and equality. Following a longstanding tradition, ATU Local 113 will join hundreds of thousands of Torontonians to march in the fabulous 38th annual Pride Parade.


DATE: Sunday, June 24th at 2:00 PM


  • ATU Local 113 Sisters and Brothers will be marching with the TTC Pride bus
  • The first 100 people will receive an ATU Local 113 rainbow t-shirt (photo below)
  • The meeting place is at the Parade marshalling grounds on Rosedale Valley Road, at 1:30 PM just before the official start of the Parade.

In the words of one of our ATU Local 113 Sisters, Kathleen Zitnak, “It is also particularly important for members of ours who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community—identified or not—to see that we support and accept them.”

She added, “While the TTC and ATU Local 113 have non-discriminatory hiring policies in place, openness and public acceptance of this community remains limited.”

A by-law change was recently submitted to look at the rights of LGBTQ+ Sisters and Brothers in the workplace.

LGBTQ+ members and allies are part of this city, and it is a part of us. Equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community still have a long way to go, and this is a small way we can show our support for the community and their fight.

As we continue our fight for rights, this is a chance to get out and help another community with theirs. We look forward to seeing you at the parade!

NOW Magazine: Pot Testing Problem at the TTC


This must-read article in NOW Magazine raises serious questions about the validity of the TTC’s drug tests for impairment. ATU Local 113 is making it clear: subjecting thousands of innocent workers to random, unscientific drug tests is not right – and must be stopped. ATU Local 113 continues to fight against this unjust policy.

By Ian Carey

June 8, 2018

Gabriel Carreiro lost his job as a Service Person for the Toronto Transit Commission after an oral fluid test taken before his shift determined that he was impaired.

How can the TTC be so sure Carreiro was impaired based on a test that both the federal government and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) have deemed as inefficient in determining impairment?

There is no accurate way to test if a person is impaired by cannabis. The Government of Canada concluded this as part of the Department of Justice’s report on blood-drug regulations last year. The study found that our knowledge of how the body processes THC is too limited to be able to draw any accurate conclusions when it comes to impairment.

“It should be noted that THC is a more complex molecule than alcohol and the science is unable to provide general guidance to drivers about how much cannabis can be consumed before it is unsafe to drive or before the proposed levels would be exceeded,” the analysis reads.

Another study conducted by Dalhousie University’s Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, commissioned by MADD, concluded in 2015 that oral fluid tests were less effective at determining impairment than the current Drug Recognition Evaluation (or DRE) test administered by trained police officers, which involve watching subjects touch their nose, walk in a straight line, etc. In a nutshell, oral fluid tests have been deemed less reliable than human observation in determining impairment. Previous studies on how long THC takes to leave the body have also been based on incomplete information and yielded inconclusive results.

The guide distributed to TTC employees on its drug-testing policy suggests otherwise.

In it, the TTC states that it “is not interested in your recreational use of drugs” and that the cutoff levels used for the test “only determine recent usage and therefore likely impairment.”

But TTC employees are still losing their job under the policy.

Unlike devices Toronto police were testing earlier this year, the oral swab tests used by the TTC must be sent to a lab for results, which can take up to three days. Carreiro was allowed to work on the day his test was administered.

While the TTC does not comment on personnel matters, spokesperson Brad Ross says the TTC is confident in the accuracy of the test.

How can the TTC be so sure? A long history of misinformation on the subject has led to incomplete science being viewed as legitimate. Among those concerned about the tests is criminal defence lawyer Ryan Handlarski.

“What the machine actually tests is consumption and not impairment. Marijuana stays in your system a long time. So the question is, when was the consumption first of all? The other important question is if there is consumption, does that mean you are impaired?”

Carreiro is not the only TTC worker to lose his job to a controversial toxicology report.

Last year, TTC subway operator and medicinal marijuana user Ellaine Farrell wanted to make the switch from oxycodone to cannabis oil to manage pain issues.

The TTC advised her this would not be possible because of her position. A medical review was ordered in her case. When a urine test showed Farrell’s THC levels to be approximately three times the cutoff, Dr. Ilan Nachim determined Farrell would not be able “to function and work safely and unimpaired in the safety-sensitive position of subway operator due to the risk of acute and non-acute impairment.”

Unfortunately for Farrell, Nachim’s medical opinion failed to acknowledge recent medical research for medicinal users such as Farrell, which has changed everything we thought we knew. This new evidence contradicts the idea that THC leaves the body in a time-determined manner.

Medicinal or regular users of cannabis may show evidence of “likely impairment” via the same oral swab tests even after abstaining from it completely for days or even weeks.

study out of Norway in 2014 was the first to bring forward these concerns. Unlike previous studies, the Norway research focused on individuals deemed to be regular users.

THC levels were then measured as the subjects abstained from cannabis for eight days. The study found that not only were regular users still testing positive for THC in levels employee drug-testing programs would deem as “likely impaired,” there was no time-related pattern observed at all.

A person could test for high levels of THC on Tuesday, then no detectable levels on Wednesday, and then back to impaired levels on Thursday – even though no cannabis was consumed during this time period.

The study found that “frequent use of high dosages of cannabis may lead to prolonged detection times, and that positive samples can be interspersed among negative samples.”

It’s not just oral swab tests that are questionable in determining impairment. A study from 2015 also concluded the same patterns can be observed from blood and urine tests when it comes to regular users.

“These results suggest that the toxicokinetics of THC are not as simple as was previously thought,” the study says. “This makes interpretation of toxicology results much more difficult than it has been when it was assumed that THC followed a well-defined pattern of elimination kinetics and further suggests that a reliable algorithm for mathematical modelling of THC metabolism in real-world heavy users remains elusive.”

This is not to say that medicinal or habitual cannabis users should be given carte blanche to drive or work while impaired. But we don’t get anywhere when we pretend to have knowledge that research suggests is actually impossible to obtain. | @nowtoronto


Together, We Must Stop Doug Ford’s Privatization Agenda

The Ontario election results are disappointing. A Doug Ford Progressive Conservative government threatens the public services Torontonians rely on, especially public transit.

ATU Local 113 was clear throughout the campaign: we must keep transit public, expand transit services and respect workers’ rights. As part of the Keep Transit Public campaign, our Sisters and Brothers brought the message that privatization costs more and delivers less to riders.

While we are disappointed in the results, we are more energized than ever to fight against contracting out and privatization, as well as the uploading of the TTC subway.

This campaign proved that we could mobilize a coalition of members, riders and transit advocates to create an unstoppable force – just last month we secured the passing of a motion at Toronto City Hall for all transit in the city to remain public and to be operated and maintained by the TTC.

We have much to be proud of today. While we did not see the result we wanted, we proved that ATU Local 113 shapes the future of our city – helping the Ontario NDP jump from third party to Official Opposition where they can advocate for our interests. We will continue our fight with our emboldened voice, facing off with Doug Ford wherever goes.

In solidarity,

Your Executive Board

A Message from the Toronto & York Region Labour Council: Tomorrow We Decide Our Future

Please find an important message from Toronto & York Region Labour Council below:

This is an urgent message to every union member in greater Toronto…

Please VOTE on JUNE 7th and take your family, friends and co-workers with you!

The stakes are high. We can elect a majority of New Democrats who will fight for fairness and justice. The NDP platform is strong, covering all the key issues that matter to working families: decent jobs, health care, education, childcare, student debt, transit, social justice and a strong economy. Those are the issues our unions work for every day.

For the first time in a provincial election, the Toronto Star has endorsed the NDP. The bedrock conservative Globe and Mail is refusing to endorse Doug Ford, calling him “unfit to be Premier”. On the other hand, people like convicted criminal and millionaire insider Conrad Black are Ford’s key promoters.

On top of concerns about with Ford’s Trump-style behaviour, every analysis of the Conservative platform predicts that thousands of jobs will be slashed to pay for his pledge to cut taxes and shrink government. Remember the Harris years? Do we really want relentless attacks on unions again? We must stop Doug Ford from becoming Premier.

All across Toronto, in Durham Region and Brampton, only NDP can win against Conservatives. The Liberal attacks on unions and the right to strike have broken trust with our movement, and Kathleen Wynne has already conceded the election. Now everything depends on voter turnout.

Polls open from 9am-9pm – click to find out where you vote. Help bring out your family, friends, neighbours. Voting is only one part of democracy, but tomorrow it is an essential right we must all exercise.

Reality Check: Doug Ford’s Destructive Plan to Upload the TTC Subway

Doug Ford and the Progressive Conservatives’ “public” transit policy is focused directly on the TTC Subway. Doug Ford is promising to upload the cornerstone of our public transit system to the Province – likely as a backdoor to privatization. That will mean higher fares and reduced service for riders. It will also raise serious issues of accountability and governance as our city will have a divided voice.

Like most of Mr. Ford’s ideas, they sound like simple bumper stickers – until you realize he has not thought through the details.

Oliver Moore – the Globe and Mail’s Urban Transportation reporter – gave Doug Ford’s destructive idea to upload the TTC subway a reality check. Read his findings below and remember vote transit, vote for the Ontario New Democrats on June 7th.

Doug Ford wants to take over Toronto’s subways. Would that work? A reality check (The Globe and Mail, June 1, Oliver Moore)

At the core of the Progressive Conservatives’ transit pitch is a simple-sounding idea that quickly becomes more complicated. While the party will continue most of the Liberals’ transit policies, the PCs differentiated themselves in one key way in the platform produced last year: A Conservative government would take over Toronto’s subway network.

Although the Liberal government of Kathleen Wynne later proposed the same idea in its spring budget, the Grits promised only to begin discussions about it. The Tories say the upload would be certain under a Conservative government.

“We made it clear this is our proposal,” said Ajax PC candidate Rod Phillips, the former chair of the group CivicAction, who is one of the party’s most knowledgeable voices about transit and who sat with The Globe and Mail to discuss the concept. “There are elements that still will obviously have to be discussed … but this is what our intention is to do as provincial government if we’re elected.”

Critics say that the idea raises numerous questions, including whether to put a value on an asset built over decades; if Queen’s Park can be relied upon to keep the subway in good condition; and how decisions would be made.

The Tories are framing the upload largely as an accounting exercise, making it easier to find funding and thus facilitating transit construction. The province would pay an estimated $160-million annually for major capital maintenance on the subway network, taking an obligation off city books.

Under the proposal, the Toronto Transit Commission would keep operating the subway, with its board setting fares and the city retaining revenues. Expansion planning would be controlled by the province, although Toronto and Ottawa would be asked to help fund construction.

Uploading received a tepid public response from Toronto’s right-leaning Mayor John Tory earlier this year when, reacting to the Liberal budget, he said that it would have to have “significant” benefits for the city for him to be “even slightly interested.”

Council went further last week, voting 30-6 in favour of a motion that included a clause making clear subways should continue to be owned by the city. Mr. Tory was absent for that vote, although many of his allies sided with the majority.

Beyond a fear of political blowback, though, it’s not clear what could stop the province from taking over the subway, regardless of what Torontonians think. Under law, the city is a ward of the province and subject to Queen’s Park.

The NDP is the only major party opposed to the upload, calling it a back door toward the privatization of transit.

“We know what happens when that occurs: Service is reduced, fares go up. And that’s not what the people of Toronto deserve,” said NDP Leader Andrea Horwath, whose party was leading or tied for the lead in several recent opinion polls.

Toronto’s subway has been built over decades, with the city financing the original and still most-heavily used section. As later parts were added, the province and Ottawa gradually took on major funding roles.

The understanding was always that Toronto would own the resulting infrastructure. This underpinned a deal struck when the subway expanded outside city boundaries last year: Toronto residents subsidize the cost for passengers boarding in York Region and, in return, Toronto owns the new subway tunnel.

In current dollars, the subway network cost about $8.5-billion to build. Because construction has become more expensive over the decades, the theoretical replacement cost – using the price per kilometre of the most recent expansion – would be about $26.5-billion.

“To think that, really, a higher order of government basically rips off an asset from us, that’s scandalous to me,” said left-leaning Toronto City Councillor and long-time TTC board member Joe Mihevc. “Our people paid for it. Our people should have the right through their institutions to control its destiny.”

The Tories view it differently, suggesting that much of the network’s value has amortized out to zero by now. And to discuss its current value is relevant only if someone is willing to pay that price, they argue.

Mr. Phillips said there is no plan to pay the city for its subway, but noted that taking over the capital maintenance is a sort of compensation. Ownership of air rights over current stations would be a matter for negotiation with the city, while the province would retain such rights over new stations.

Other issues would also have to be negotiated. Among them is the question of whether the TTC or private contractors do the capital maintenance work. And there are likely also to be continuing discussions about which work needs to be done and how urgent it is.

By its nature, capital maintenance can often be deferred in the short term, although transit agencies that do this too aggressively often pay huge costs down the road. In New York, a recently unveiled plan for long overdue maintenance and upgrades had a 10-year price tag estimated at US$37-billion.

Another thorny issue is control of expansion planning. The Tories say this would lie largely in the hands of the province, with Toronto getting some unspecified input on lines within its borders. That prospect has raised fears that a flawed city hall process for making transit expansion decisions could become worse.

Recent debates over transit expansion at city hall have been highly politicized, featuring bad-faith arguments and producing results at odds with expert analysis. But the process at least happened in public, was monitored by the media and played out over many hours of open debate.

Provincial decisions have been more opaque. Some key meetings of Metrolinx, the regional transit agency, were not public – government officials interfered in the process and the agency has been accused of modifying evidence to suit its political masters. Ultimate power rests in the Premier’s Office or at the cabinet table, where decisions are reached behind closed doors.

“If cabinet could, just with a stroke of a pen, decide to block this, expand that, there’s a lot of risk there,” said Cameron MacLeod, executive director of the transit advocacy group CodeRedTO.

He also noted another potential problem, saying that Toronto’s tendency to weigh transit projects based on location rather than need could be worse under a provincially run system. These politicians may not see the value of building transit in central Toronto, Mr. MacLeod warned, particularly as “Queen’s Park is skewed toward suburban and rural representation.”

Two of the main transit expansion priorities proposed by the campaigning Tories are in the suburbs: extending the lightly used Sheppard subway eastward; and pushing the Yonge line farther north, outside the boundaries of Toronto. Their other big expansion promise is the Downtown Relief Line (DRL), a new subway in the core intended to take pressure off main lines increasingly feeling the strain of commuters from the outer reaches of the Greater Toronto Area.

The long-planned DRL is described by city planning and transportation officials as the area’s most important transit project, although the Tories see it differently.

“What we did is lay out our three priorities,” Mr. Phillips said when asked if the DRL would be a lever to force agreement should the city drag its heels on an upload. “Downtown Relief Line is there among them. I wouldn’t point to any of them as a priority. I think the priority is getting subways built.”