President Carlos Santos asks Premier Ford to Reconsider Suspending Transit Workers’ CBA Rights

Please see below for a letter ATU Local 113 President Carlos Santos sent Premier Doug Ford on April 17, 2020 requesting that the Premier reconsiders suspending transit workers’ Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) rights. You’ll find more information about the CBA and Ontario’s Emergency Regulation below the letter.


Dear Premier Ford

I am President/Business Agent of Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 113, and I write on behalf of my more than 11,500 members employed at the Toronto Transit Commission.

I write in response to the Order in Council passed yesterday evening with respect to transit worker collective bargaining. I am shocked and saddened that your government has taken this action without warning, and I urge you to reconsider.

Your Order in Council – Regulation 157/20 – provides that the City of Toronto can ignore our freely bargained collective agreement and force workers to change jobs, hours of work, strip seniority rights and even contract out work to private contractors and volunteers – all at the whim of the employer, and despite our mutually bargained collective agreement.

We recognize that this is a global crisis, which has reached every community in the Province. Over the past month, just like workers in the health care sector and in grocery stores, it is the members of Local 113 that have risen to the challenge facing our City, and have spent the last month risking their health and the health of their families, doing whatever is necessary to keep Toronto functioning despite this crisis.

Where our employer has sought flexibility in terms of work rules, Local 113 has responsibly shown flexibility where necessary to make sure this happens. There is no need for the Order that you have issued.

The public is not well served by an Order that allows the employer to change any and all rules.  That is one-sided and dangerous, in a democracy or in a workplace. Collective bargaining is constitutionally protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and these rights cannot be suspended where there is no reasonable justification for doing so.

We recognize that the Order applies to a broad variety of workers employed at municipalities across the entire Province of Ontario.   We want you to know that an Order is not required or appropriate in the transit sector. We were not consulted in advance of this dramatic change.   It is our real concern that in acting in haste, an Order was drafted that in its breadth was not intended for transit workers.

So far, we have not seen an attempt to unilaterally interfere with our Collective Agreement.  We will be on guard for any such improper interference.  But it is our primary focus to ask you to reconsider this move.

I look forward to hearing from you soon,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113


Backgrounder: What you need to know about our Collective Bargaining Agreement and Ontario’s Emergency Regulation

ATU Local 113 members should be aware that the Ontario government has issued an emergency Order-in-council (filed as Regulation 157/20) that suspends certain collective agreement rights for TTC and other Ontario municipal transit workers in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


The Order authorizes municipalities to take any reasonably necessary measure in respect of work deployment and staffing to reduce the effect of COVID-19 on critical municipal services.

Critical municipal services include public transportation services operated by a municipality.

The measures a municipality may take include but are not limited to the following:

  • Assigning bargaining-unit work to non-bargaining employees, contractors, temporary staff or volunteers
  • Changing the scheduling of work or shift assignments
  • Deferring or cancelling vacations, absences or other leaves
  • Requiring employees to provide information about their likely or actual exposure to COVID-19, or any other health condition that may affect their ability to work

The Order suspends all grievances initiated in response to any matter referred to in the Order. Any challenge to Employer action could only be taken through a court challenge to the Order in Council.


On March 17, 2020, the Ontario government declared an emergency pursuant to section 7.0.1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

On April 14, 2020, the government extended the declaration of emergency until May 12, 2020.

A declaration of emergency allows the government to make orders that it believes are necessary and essential to prevent, reduce or mitigate serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property.



The Order applies to every municipality in Ontario. It grants municipalities the power to take certain measures in respect of “critical municipal services”.

The Order defines “critical municipal services” to cover a wide range of municipal services which includes “public transportation services operated by a municipality


The Order authorizes municipalities to take measures with respect to work deployment and staffing of critical municipal services. However, such measures must be reasonably necessary to respond to, prevent and alleviate the outbreak of COVID-19 so as to prevent, reduce or mitigate its effect on critical municipal services.

Within this general grant of power, the Order authorizes municipalities to take a range of specific measures which will supercede any statute, regulation, order, policy, arrangement or agreement, including a collective agreement. This means municipalities may take such measures without complying with a collective agreement, including its lay-off, seniority/service or bumping provisions.

For example, a municipality may, on 24 hours notice to any unions representing any affected bargaining units, implement a staff redeployment plan that would allow it to:

  • Redeploy staff within different locations in the municipality
  • Change the assignment of work, including hiring or using non-bargaining employees, contractors, temporary staff or volunteers to perform bargaining unit work
  • Change the scheduling of work or shift assignments
  • Defer or cancel vacations, absences, or other leaves, regardless of whether such vacations, absences, or leaves are established by statute, regulation, agreement or otherwise

In addition, a municipal transit employer may do the following without providing notice to any union:

  • Conduct any skills and experience inventories of staff to identify possible alternative roles in priority areas;
  • Require an employee to provide information about their availability to provide services for the municipality;
  • Require an employee to provide information about their likely or actual exposure to COVID-19, or about any other health conditions that may affect their ability to provide services;
  • Cancel or postpone any service that is not related to responding to, preventing or alleviating the outbreak of COVID-19, or any service that is not deemed critical by a municipality’s emergency plan;
  • Suspend any grievance process with respect to any matter referred to in the Order for the duration of the Order’s operation – though your grievance procedure will otherwise continue to operate.


If you have any questions, please speak with your shop steward or ATU Local 113 board member.

Two ATU Local 113 Maintenance Members at Queensway Garage Test Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

We learned today that unfortunately two more ATU Local 113 members from the TTC Queensway Garage have tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

  1. Confirmed Case 1: The member’s last day at work was on Monday, April 6. The member began feeling symptoms on Tuesday, April 14 and tested positive on Friday, April 17. The member contracted the coronavirus from a family member.
  2. Confirmed Case 2: The member’s last shift was on Monday, April 13. The member developed symptoms on Tuesday, April 14 and tested positive on Friday, April 17.

Both members are self-isolating at home – we wish them a fast and full recovery.

Please contact your shop steward or board member for more information.

The two latest confirmed cases mark the 17th and 18th ATU Local 113 members who have tested positive for COVID-19. Two TTC staff have also tested positive.

ATU Local 113 continues to demand the TTC provide all members with masks and other PPE. The TTC must provide supplies to any member who chooses to wear PPE on the job.

Please practice social distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell. As a reminder, medical notes for sick leave have been suspended until further notice.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

ATU Local 113 Subway Operator at Danforth Division Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

A TTC Subway operator from the Danforth Division has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

The member’s last shift was on Thursday, April 9 – they worked a split shift from 6:00 a.m. to 6:45 p.m. The member began feeling symptoms on Saturday, April 11 and received the positive test result on Thursday, April 16.

I’ve spoken to the member who is recovering. We wish them a full recovery.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your shop steward or board member for more information.

This member’s diagnosis marks the 16th ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Two TTC staff have also tested positive.

Please practice social distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell. As a reminder, medical notes for sick leave have been suspended until further notice.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

ATU Local 113 Members Demand that the TTC Provides PPE for Workers

Sisters and Brothers,

As you know, our members are on the frontlines providing a critical service for Torontonians every day during the coronavirus pandemic. For weeks, we’ve been calling for the TTC to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) for frontline transit workers.

ATU Local 113 is not asking for much – all we’re asking for is that the TTC provide proper PPE so Toronto’s public transit heroes can do their job and get back to their families safe. Yesterday’s work stoppages were an important reminder of the TTC’s responsibility to do everything it can to protect public transit workers and riders. The TTC must do more.

Since the TTC continues to shrug that responsibility, ATU Local 113 has purchased 100,000 disposable masks and is distributing them to its 12,000 members but this is ultimately the TTC’s responsibility. The TTC needs to step up.

Rick Fox, Executive Vice-President and President Carlos Santos were recently handing out masks to our Shop Stewards at the ATU Local 113 office.

I’d like to thank our shop stewards, Jason Dasilva, Executive Board Member from Wilson, Claudio Cappadocia, Executive Board Member from Queensway and Frank Malta, ABA in Transportation for coming down to Queensway garage and supporting our workers. I’d also like to thank John DiNino, President of ATU Canada and Manny Sforza, Vice President of ATU International for their support and solidarity with Local 113 members yesterday.

You can read more about our fight for proper protection below:

Toronto Star: At least 38 TTC bus drivers stop work over COVID-19 fears

Globe and Mail: Transit workers across Canada concerned over lack of protective gear

CP24: Dozens of TTC bus operators refuse to work due to lack of PPE

Toronto Sun: TTC union calls for protective gear after driver walkout

Global News: 38 Toronto bus drivers refuse to work, cite workplace safety concerns

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

ATU Local 113 Bus Operator at Eglinton Division Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

ATU Local 113 has unfortunately learned that another member, a bus operator from Eglinton Division has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19) today.

The member’s last day of work was on Friday, April 10 where they stayed at Eglinton Division from 7:55 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Later that night, they started showing symptoms and took the test on Monday, April 13. The member received their positive test results on Wednesday, April 15.

All ATU Local 113 Sisters and Brothers wish the member a speedy recovery while they self-isolate. This diagnosis marks the 15th ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Two TTC staff have also tested positive.

Given the test results came today, the TTC and Toronto Public Health investigation is ongoing. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your shop steward or board member for more information.

Please practice social distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell. As a reminder, medical notes for sick leave have been suspended until further notice.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

ATU Local 113 Subway Operator at Wilson Division Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

ATU Local 113 has unfortunately learned that another member has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19) today.

The member who tested positive for COVID-19 is a subway operator from Wilson Division. The member’s last shift was on Saturday, April 4 from 5:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  They were tested on Monday, April 13 and received their positive test results on Wednesday, April 15.

I spoke with the member today who is recovering at home and doing well. All ATU Local 113 Sisters and Brothers wish the member a speedy recovery while they self-isolate.

Given the diagnosis came today, the TTC and Toronto Public Health investigation is ongoing. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your shop steward or board member for more information.

This member’s diagnosis marks the 14th ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Two TTC staff have also tested positive.

Please practice social distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell. As a reminder, medical notes for sick leave have been suspended until further notice.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

ATU Local 113 Technician at Queensway Garage Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

ATU Local 113 has unfortunately learned that a third member today has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

The latest member who tested positive for COVID-19 is a coach technician at the Queensway Garage. I spoke with the member today who is recovering at home and doing well. The member’s last shift was on Friday, April 10 from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The member started showing symptoms during their shift on Friday, April 10 and was tested on Monday, April 13. They received the positive test for COVID-19 on Tuesday, April 14.

All ATU Local 113 Sisters and Brothers wish the member a speedy recovery while they self-isolate.

Given the diagnosis came today, the TTC and Toronto Public Health investigation is ongoing. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your shop steward or board member for more information.

This member’s diagnosis marks the 13th ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Two TTC staff have also tested positive.

Please practice social distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell. As a reminder, medical notes for sick leave have been suspended until further notice.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

TTC Wheel-Trans Operator tests positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

Today, we learned a TTC Wheel-Trans operator tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19). The member’s last shift at work was on Sunday, April 12 from 7:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. They started developing symptoms on their way home from work that day. They received the positive test for COVID-19 on Tuesday, April 14.

We’ve spoken with the member who is recovering at home and doing well. All ATU Local 113 Sisters and Brothers wish the member a speedy recovery while they self-isolate.

ATU Local 113 is working with the TTC and Toronto Public Health as the investigation continues. Please contact your shop steward or board member for more information.

This member’s diagnosis marks the 12th ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Two TTC staff have also tested positive.

As mentioned, we’re encouraging members to practice social distancing as much as possible before, during and after their shifts. Please stay home if you feel unwell. As a reminder, medical notes for sick leave have been suspended into further notice.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

TTC Bus Operator at Arrow Road Division Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

An ATU Local 113 member, an operator from the TTC’s Arrow Road Bus Division, is recovering from the coronavirus (COVID-19) at home. I spoke with the member today and wished them a full recovery on behalf of all ATU Local 113 Sisters and Brothers.

The member’s last day at work was on Wednesday, April 1. They developed symptoms on Tuesday, April 7 and received the positive test for COVID-19 on Monday, April 13.

Please contact your shop steward or board member if you have any questions or would like additional details.

This member’s diagnosis marks the 11th ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Two TTC staff have also tested positive.

We’re encouraging members to practice social distancing as much as possible before, during and after their shifts. Please stay home if you feel unwell. As a reminder, medical notes for sick leave have been suspended until further notice.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

ATU Local 113 Waste Management Member Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

Today, we learned that an ATU Local 113 member working out of the Waste Management Section for Plant tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19). The member’s last day at work was on March 17.

We’ve spoken with the member who is recovering at home and doing well. All ATU Local 113 Sisters and Brothers wish the member a speedy recovery while he self-isolates.

This member’s diagnosis marks the 10th ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Two TTC Management staff have also been tested positive.

We’re encouraging members to practice social distancing as much as possible before, during and after their shifts. Please stay home if you feel unwell. As a reminder, medical notes for sick leave have been suspended into further notice.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113