ATU Local 113 Statement on Puthandu

Today, ATU Local 113 wishes a happy new year to the Tamil community as they embark upon new beginnings. We hope you are able to celebrate with your family, friends, and loved ones. Iniya Puthandu Nalvazhthukkal.

ATU Local 113 Condemns War in Ukraine

ATU Local 113 joins the global union movement by standing in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and calls for an end to military aggression through a diplomatic solution.

We condemn any violence against civilians and call for an end to all armed conflict. We also call on all workers, government officials and leaders to join us by unequivocally condemning war in Ukraine and supporting the people impacted by the Russian invasion.

Many of our union brothers and sisters, including ATU Local 113 members here in Toronto, have friends and family impacted by this horrific conflict. For them this is personal and heartbreaking, and we offer all our support. Our thoughts are also with our brothers and sisters in the Ukrainian unions whose lives have been put at risk by this senseless and illegal war.

We have all heard and seen stories of courage, compassion, love, and solidarity as the affected communities come together to care for each other and protect the most vulnerable among them. Our response in Canada should be moved by the same generous spirit and be grounded in our common humanity.

In solidarity,

Marvin Alfred
President, ATU Local 113

VIDEO: Daniel Medina’s Story

These are real people who have dedicated themselves to keeping Toronto moving. Daniel Medina explains the effects an assault in 2021 had on him. He spoke out to raise awareness. Assaults on transit workers must stop.

VIDEO: ATU Local 113 Celebrates Black History Month

As we begin Black History Month 2022, ATU Local 113 celebrates the success of previous Black leaders and continues to create opportunities for those of tomorrow.

We are committed to creating a more inclusive Union and invite all members to celebrate Black History Month!