Happy Jewish Heritage Month

May is Jewish Heritage Month, a time to celebrate and honour the Canadian Jewish community’s rich history, culture, and contributions. Let’s take this opportunity to deepen our understanding, promote tolerance, and celebrate diversity. Shalom!

Happy International Workers’ Day

Today marks International Workers’ Day, a celebration of labourers around the world, including Toronto’s transit workers who work tirelessly to keep this city moving. We honour your hard work, dedication, and resilience which form the backbone of our society.

On this day, we reaffirm our commitment to fair labour practices, safe working conditions, and equitable wages for all. Let’s continue to stand together in solidarity, recognizing that our strength lies in our unity. Happy International Workers Day!

ATU Local 113 Speaks to Media to Discuss Membership Strike Vote

Following a membership strike authorization vote that took place over the weekend, ATU Local 113 announced on Monday, April 29th that union members voted overwhelmingly in support of moving forward with strike action. 9,253 members took part in the voting process, with 98.28 per cent voting in favour of a strike.


ATU Local 113 President, Marvin Alfred spoke with the media to address this remarkable turnout and the union’s plans to withdraw services if current negotiations with the TTC don’t result in a fair and reasonable new contract for transit workers.



TTC workers vote in favour of strike action amid contract talks | CBC News

‘Full withdrawal of service’: TTC workers OK strike mandate as negotiations continue | Global News

Transit Workers support TTC strike that could shut down Toronto | blogTO



Toronto transit workers vote ‘overwhelmingly’ in support of strike mandate: union | CP24

Toronto transit workers vote in favour of strike mandate, union says | CityNews

TTC warns ‘full system shut down’ possible as workers vote in favor of strike mandate |CBC News

Here and Now Toronto with Gill Deacon | CBC News Broadcast

Concerns after TTC workers approve strike mandate | CTV News Broadcast

National Day of Mourning

As we mark the National Day of Mourning, ATU Local 113 is taking a moment to honour those whose lives have been affected by workplace incidents. Today is not only about reflecting on what we’ve lost but also about fostering a renewed sense of purpose in our efforts to protect and support our workforce.

Our members continue to be exposed to ongoing acts of violence on public transit. We are committed to making the workplace a safe and healthy space for all and preventing future workplace tragedies.


Happy Passover

To the Jewish community of Toronto, our Jewish members and all who celebrate, we wish you and your family a Happy Passover!

chag Pesach sameach!

ATU Local 113 Stands in Solidarity with CUPE Local 2

As you probably know, CUPE Local 2 has been without a contract for around
two years. Management has failed to offer Local 2, which represents 700
licensed electricians at TTC, a fair contract and they have given notice that
they intend to take strike action this Monday, April 22.

We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Local 2 and will support them in any way
that we can.

The leadership of CUPE Local 2 is aware that Local 113 is not yet in a legal
strike position, and that we must act in a manner which ensures the safety of
ourselves and the public at all time. Legally, we are not permitted to join their
strike or refuse to cross their picket lines, unless there is a safety issue (which
should be reported to the appropriate TTC authority, e.g. your supervisor,
transit control etc.).

We can: join their picketing lines during our non-working hours to show
solidarity, bring snacks and coffee to picketers, show our solidarity by
supporting any messaging of CUPE Local 2, signing petitions, communicating
with our city councillors.

CUPE Local 2 deserves a fair contract as does Local 113. The public does not
want a strike, TTC Management needs to change course, and change course
quickly or it will find itself facing a legal strike by CUPE Local 2, followed by a
legal strike by Local 113.

In solidarity,

Marvin Alfred
President, ATU Local 113

20240418 NOTICE re CUPE Local 2 – Final

ATU Local 113 speaks to the media to address conciliation request

On Monday April 15,  ATU Local 113 announced that the union had applied to the Ministry of Labour to request that a conciliator be appointed. This is the first step towards strike action.

ATU Local 113 President, Marvin Alfred, spoke to media with a clear message: ATU Local 113 is prepared to move to direct action up to and including a full withdrawal of services.


TTC workers union taking ‘first step’ towards striking | CBC News

TTC union takes ‘first step towards strike action’ in negotiations with transit agency (citynews.ca)


TTC workers’ union says it has taken first step toward strike action | CTV News

Union representing 10,000 TTC workers says it has taken ‘first step’ toward strike action CP24


ATU Local 113 requests the Ministry of Labour to appoint a conciliator to support the union

Yesterday ATU Local 113 president, Marvin Alfred announced our decision to request the Ministry of Labour to appoint a conciliator for the union.

“We are hoping that the conciliator will act as a resource to support our union with obtaining a fair collective agreement”

TTC union takes ‘first step towards strike action’ in negotiations with transit agency (citynews.ca)