We’re All in to Fight Kathleen Wynne’s Plan to Privatize Public Transit

Today, ATU Canada’s Keep Transit Public campaign is blanketing the Greater Toronto Area with radio ads warning of Kathleen Wynne’s destructive plan to privatize future transit projects. For workers, this means we’re cut out of bidding for projects in favour of private, for-profit companies. For riders, privatization means reduced service and higher fares. The Wynne government’s privatization plan is unfair for everyone, except the corporations who will profit at our expense.

Ontario workers must be at the forefront of government decision-making and ATU Local 113 will join the fight with ATU Canada – and our Sisters and Brothers across Ontario – against privatization wherever it happens – especially in our backyards.

Together, we can stop Premier Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Transportation Kathryn McGarry and the Ontario Liberal government from privatization. Listen and share the announcement – and sign the petition at KeepTransitPublic.ca before it’s too late.

Watch ATU All-Stars Face Off Against Maple Leafs Alumni

Come cheer on your Sisters and Brothers at the ATU Local 113 Charity Hockey Game! The ATU All-Stars will be playing the Toronto Maple Leafs Alumni, veterans of the NHL, for a good cause. Proceeds will go to support Multiple Sclerosis through the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital. Tickets can be purchased from ATU Local 113 Executive Board Members, Shop Stewards, Women’s Committee Members, Returning Officers, TTC Recreation Council Representatives, the Union Office (416-398-5113) and Players from the All-Stars Hockey and Basketball Teams.

Saturday March 10, 2018, – 7-9 p.m.
Ted Reeve Arena
175 Main Street, Toronto
Ticket Price: $5.00

Tickets will be entered in a draw to win amazing prizes!

1st Prize: $2,750 Travel Voucher or Cash Equivalent

2nd Prize: $500 Travel Voucher or Cash Equivalent

3rd Prize: Autographed Hockey Stick – NHL

See you there! Find the official poster below.

Unifor Leaves the CLC in Attempt to Sabotage the Canadian Labour Movement

It’s official! Unifor has left the Canadian Labour Congress, the body dedicated to advocacy, education and research to advance workers’ rights. While unfortunate, it is not surprising. Faced with a dwindling membership, it appears Unifor prioritizes union raiding to survive. Unifor left the CLC with a mere notice on their website and now it appears they can raid unrestricted – a move that will force precious union resources to be spent fighting other unions, not protecting workers.

ATU Local 113, and the over 10,000 transit workers it represents, has always been focused squarely on its members. Strong advocacy on air quality, pensions, wages and workplace safety have brought real change to the lives of workers.

Unifor should stay true to its principles as articulated by former CLC and Canadian Auto Workers President Bob White. “We hadn’t set up a new organization in order to be cannibals in the Canadian labour movement,” he said. In 2018 this is exactly what Unifor is doing. They have turned their back to Canada’s labour movement. We are stronger united.

Read more about Unifor’s self-serving decision: http://rankandfile.ca/2018/01/17/unifor-clc-split-demands-unity-from-below/


Local 113 Bus Driver Dominick Gouveia Goes Above and Beyond to Serve a Citizen in Need

When 84-year-old Umberto Ascenzi went missing at 1a.m. on a cold Wednesday in December  – the situation was potentially dire. Luckily, thanks to Local 113 bus driver Dominick Gouveia he was brought to safety and returned to his home.

Gouveia noticed the man sitting in the shelter in a thin coat with a cut on his finger and a bruise on his eye. Gouveia made sure Mr. Ascenzi warmed up inside the bus before notifying the police that he was lost and ensuring he was returned safely to his family.

The ATU would like to give a warm thank you to Dominick for his service. His attention and care for the public is a demonstration of the high quality of service delivered by the men and women who make up Local 113 and who are on the front lines of our transit system.

Learn more about the story: https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/bus-driver-finds-missing-84-year-old-man-in-york-region-1.3736260

Become an ATU All-Star to Raise Funds for Multiple Sclerosis

Come and try out for the ATU Local 113 All-Stars Hockey Teams! Players who make the teams will have the opportunity to play the NHL Old-Timers at Ted Reeve Arena on Saturday, March 10, 2018 at 7PM. All proceeds will go to ATU Multiple Sclerosis Research Fund.

Open practice tryouts will be held:

Wednesday January 10 & Wednesday January 17, 2018

11AM-12 NOON

Chesswood Arena, 4000 Chesswood Drive (Allen Road and Sheppard)

Don’t miss this chance to have fun with other members, get involved in the community and help those suffering from multiple sclerosis.

For more information contact:

Stewart Clubley – Birchmount Division

Rob Kempers – Queensway Division

Luca Rinaldi – Duncan Shops

Dave Maher – Escalators-Kennedy

Pat Morrone – Roncesvalles Carhouse

See you there!

First Annual Santa’s Streetcar Event Brings Cheer in a Big Red Package

The TTC launched its first annual Santa’s Streetcar event this weekend at the Kingston Road Loop at Queen Street East. A new 100 foot streetcar was filled with toys in partnership with Toy Mountain, a charity that gives toys to kids in need.

ATU Local 113 President Frank Grimaldi with Santa Claus

Thanks to dedicated Local 113 members investing in their community, the streetcar was bursting with toys as Santa jollily watched over the operations. Because of all the volunteers from the community working together with our members – the event was a big success.

Frank Grimaldi and the Executive Board would like to thank the Russell Division members for leading this initiative and all of the hardworking Local 113 personnel who helped make it possible. We know it is through service we make our communities better places to live and work.

Community Members Enjoying Festivities

Statement Regarding TTC CEO Andy Byford’s Resignation

As we wish Andy Byford well as he leaves the TTC and moves into his new role — let us reaffirm that the City of Toronto must hire a replacement who respects workers’ rights and champions the expansion of much-needed public transit in Toronto. Regardless of who occupies the CEO chair at the TTC, we will continue to fight for transit workers, specifically protecting jobs, bringing an end to privatization, cleaning up the dirty air in the subway system and keeping members safe.

Two Hour Fares the Only Way Forward in 2018

Local 113 is clear: two hour fares are the only way to move forward in 2018. That is why we are standing together to support TTCriders’ advocacy campaign — calling on everyone to do their part for a fairer system.

Two hour fares would allow riders to get off and back on the TTC an unlimited amount of times within two hours, without any additional cost. This allows riders flexibility to get on and off to do things like pick up their kids or buy milk.

Messages should be sent ASAP because the TTC Commission and City Council will begin voting on November 28 on the two-hour fare transfer.

Take Action:

Send a message to your councilor right now calling for them to support two hour fares.

Sign up to support two hour fares on Tuesday Nov. 28. The TTC Commission meeting starts at 9.15 a.m. and will be held at 100 Queen St West. You can also sign up to depute.

Tommy Douglas Memorial Scholarship Announcement

Local 113 is proud to announce the Amalgamated Transit Union’s Tommy Douglas Memorial Scholarship. Tommy Douglas is an example of an exceptional Canadian – one whose commitment to fairness and the public good we try to live and work by every day. He was an activist and politician who advanced the labour movement, advocated for the Canada Pension Plan and introduced the continent’s first single-payer, universal health care program. This scholarship is open to members and their children, stepchildren and grandchildren planning to enter college, technical or vocational post-secondary school for the first time.

Please find all related documents below.

Local 113 Proud Participant in Keep Transit Public Rally

Last week, Local 113 Brothers and Sisters were proud to join fellow unions, politicians and advocacy organizations at the Keep Transit Public rally at Union Station. Over 100 gathered to send a clear message: we must stand united to stop the privatization of our transit systems.

You can watch Frank Grimaldi, our newly-elected President, share his plan of action below.