Survey: Greater Toronto Area residents overwhelmingly support federal funding of public transit operations

An overwhelming majority of Greater Toronto Area (GTA) residents believe that the Federal Government should provide $5 billion in emergency funding to public transit agencies. A survey conducted by Probe Research found that 82% of people in the GTA strongly support or somewhat support federal funding of public transit operations.

See below for the full results of the survey.

ATU Canada National Views on Transit Sub-Report - GTA

ATU Local 113 Bus Operator from Eglinton Division Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

We received unfortunate news today that an ATU Local 113 member, a bus operator from the Eglinton division, has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

We wish the member, who is recovering at home, a quick and full recovery.

The member’s last shift was on Friday, April 24. The member developed symptoms on Tuesday, April 28 and tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday, May 8.

Please contact your shop steward or board member for more information.

This member’s diagnosis marks the 33rd ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Eight TTC employees who are not ATU Local 113 members have also tested positive, bringing the total number of TTC employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 to 41.

Please practice physical distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

University of Toronto Survey: Public Transit and COVID-19

A team of researchers from the University of Toronto are working to support public transit for Torontonians during and after the COVID-19 crisis.

ATU Local 113 invites those who rode the TTC more than once a week before the COVID-19 pandemic to take the survey. It takes about 15 minutes and participants can enter a raffle for one of 30 $50 gift cards.

Please follow the link to this Survey:

All responses will remain strictly confidential and anonymous.

ATU Local 113 Members Receive a Letter of Appreciation from a Local Grade 8 Student

ATU Local 113 is pleased to share the following letter from a local student in Grade 8 thanking our members for their hard work and service during the coronavirus pandemic.

We are extremely proud to serve the citizens of Toronto. Whether it’s moving essential workers or getting children to school, we love serving our communities. It’s for bright young students like the one who wrote this letter that we do it for.


Dear Transit Operators of ATU Local 113,

During these difficult and unprecedented times I would personally like to thank every one of you for your service to Toronto.

As a once daily use of this vast transit network I can understand the challenges you are going through. Even before this pandemic started I noticed how rough it was for some drivers. Whether it was driving in a bus that was past the state of good repair, or even having to deal with nonsense from unruly customers.

After hearing of an outbreak at Queensway Division, and the layoff of 1,200 TTC employees, I felt compelled to write to the men and women behind Local 113.

Sure, transit operators may not be doing as much to save lives, but they are for sure under recognized and underappreciated. If you think about it, transit operators are basically what makes Toronto move. Without you, how would doctors get to hospitals? And who would transport patients with the 7 new EMS buses?

It is my personal belief that though 2020 has brought on hardship and sorrow, we citizens of Toronto must do our part to stop the curve and stay home. So front line workers and ATU Local 113 can keep serving Toroonto, as they have for 119 years. Let’s hope there’s a 120th.

Glowing Regards,

A Grade 8 Student at Thomas Wells Public School

ATU Local 113 statement on federal payments to well-deserved low-income essential workers

The Trudeau government announced today that it would topping up payments for well-deserved low-income essential workers, such as those working in long-term care homes, retirement homes, emergency shelters, supportive housing, and other important services. ATU Local 113 cannot thank these workers enough for their service. They along with other frontline workers are heroes.

These essential workers deserve the pay increase, but we can’t forget about public transit workers who are also on the frontlines of this crisis. The federal and provincial governments must provide emergency funding so ATU Local 113 members can continue providing reliable service to the same workers the government is helping with these payments.

CBC: Ottawa, provinces and territories reach $4B deal to boost essential workers’ pay

ATU Local 113 Bus Operator at Mount Dennis Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

We received unfortunate news today that an ATU Local 113 member, a bus operator from Mount Dennis, has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

The member’s last shift was on Sunday, April 26 from approximately 8:50 p.m. to 4:40 a.m. The member developed symptoms on Thursday, April 30 and was tested on Tuesday, May 5. They received the positive test on Wednesday, May 6.

I spoke with the member today who is doing well and recovering at home. I wished them a full and swift recovery on behalf of all ATU Local 113 members.

Please contact your shop steward or board member for more information.

This member’s diagnosis marks the 32nd ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Seven TTC employees who are not ATU Local 113 members have also tested positive, bringing the total number of TTC employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 to 39.

Please practice physical distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

ATU Local 113 Honours Six Fallen Heroes of Tragic Helicopter Accident

Today at a repatriation ceremony, ATU Local 113 paid tribute and honoured the six fallen Canadian Armed Forces members from the tragic helicopter accident off the coast of Greece on April 29, 2020.

One of these heroes no longer with us includes Abbigail Cowbrough, the daughter of an ATU Local 113 member. We send our deepest condolences to our member, his family and friends during this difficult time. Donations can be made in Abbigail’s name to the below link.

ATU Local 113 members across Toronto paid their respects to these heroes by wearing purple ribbons. In order to meet the grieving members’ wishes, it was arranged that a TTC bus was on every bridge on Highway 401 within Toronto city limits to honour his daughter. The Honour Guard was also at the end of the Highway of Heroes’ route to show the respect our fallen members of the Canadian Armed Forces truly deserve.

A special thank you to Paolo, Derek, TTC staff and the Honour Guard for organizing the arrangements.

ATU Local 113 offers its deepest condolences to the loved ones of these six fallen heroes.

– Carlos Santos, President of ATU Local 113

READ: TTC workers on the pandemic’s frontline deserve better than pink slips

In a new column for the Toronto Star, President Carlos Santos calls for emergency funding for transit from governments, writing that TTC workers are being asked to “keep bearing the burden of working on the frontlines while refusing to guarantee the paycheque necessary to keep a roof over their heads. We all know this is unfair.”

“Our city can’t afford service cuts today and it can’t afford the risk of our transit system not being ready for when people head back to work. The federal and provincial governments need to step in and do the right thing for Torontonians — provide emergency relief funding for the TTC today.”

Toronto Star: TTC workers on the pandemic’s frontline deserve better than pink slips

ATU Local 113 Operator at Arrow Road Bus Division Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

We received unfortunate news today that another ATU Local 113 member from the Arrow Road Bus Division has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

The member’s last shift was on Wednesday, April 8. The member was tested on Saturday, April 11 and they received the positive test on Thursday, April 30. We learned about the confirmed case today (Tuesday, May 5).

I spoke with the member today who is doing well and recovering at home. I wished them a full and swift recovery on behalf of all ATU Local 113 members.

Please contact your shop steward or board member for more information.

This member’s diagnosis marks the 31st ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Seven TTC employees who are not ATU Local 113 members have also tested positive, bringing the total number of TTC employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 to 38.

Please practice physical distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

ATU Local 113 Subway Operator at Wilson Division Tests Positive for COVID-19

Sisters and Brothers,

We received news today that a TTC Subway operator from the Wilson Division has tested positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19).

I spoke with the member today who is doing well and recovering at home. I wished them a full and swift recovery on behalf of all ATU Local 113 members.

The member’s last shift was on Thursday, April 30 from 4:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Davisville where they were on open report. They were called to drive from 6:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. The member began feeling symptoms on Saturday, May 2 and was tested on Sunday, May 3. They received the positive test on Tuesday, May 5.

Please contact your shop steward or board member for more information.

This member’s diagnosis marks the 30th ATU Local 113 member who has tested positive for COVID-19. Seven TTC employees who are not ATU Local 113 members have also tested positive, bringing the total number of TTC employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 to 37.

Please practice physical distancing as much as possible before, during and after your shifts – and stay home if you feel unwell.

In solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113