Statement: Lifting of Mandatory COVID19 Vaccination Policy

Throughout the pandemic, ATU Local 113 has tried to work with the TTC to keep workers and the public safe. From masking to social distancing to vaccinations, the TTC has chosen to act unilaterally instead of collaboratively – often too late or ineffectively.

The TTC could have sat down with us from the beginning to implement vaccination policies in a reasonable way. Instead, management chose an approach that violated members’ rights. No other workers faced a comparable approach. In the education, healthcare and policing sectors other agencies serving the public managed to encourage and require vaccinations without resorting to illegal terminations. We have pushed from day one for hearings to resolve the issue as soon as possible; the TTC has not.

Now, after many months of legal action, the TTC has finally accepted their mistake and reversed their decision. We are pleased that the uncertainty and frustration experienced by our members and their families may be coming to an end. We are just disappointed that it took so much time and conflict to get us here.

We want the TTC and the City of Toronto to respect the rights of Transit Workers.

ATU Local 113 members should know: 

  1. Our grievance challenging the reasonableness of the Policy and related terminations will continue.
  2. We believe many employees are properly eligible for back pay. This is included in the grievance.
  3. If members are given an offer letter, please share it with the Union so that we can provide advice and assistance.

ATU Local 113 has also asked for a meeting to clarify details with the commission as soon as possible. We will provide further information to members, as we receive it.

ATU Local 113’s Statement on the TTC’s plan to reinstate our members

ATU Local 113 learned today of the TTC’s plan to reinstate those members terminated for failure to comply with TTC’s Mandatory Vaccination Policy. This action was long overdue, and we are pleased that the uncertainty and frustration experienced by these members and their families may be coming to an end.
We have been provided no information outside of the corporate notice posted today, and we are seeking urgent clarification from the TTC as to the terms of these “offers of employment”. We believe many employees are also eligible for back pay. Our grievance challenging the reasonableness of the Policy and related terminations will continue.
We will provide further information as we receive it.

Calling ATU Local 113 members to join solidarity rally

ATU held a press conference yesterday at Queen’s Park, as a result, Metrolinx has now agreed to go back to the bargaining table today at the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto.

We are asking all allies of striking GO Transit workers who are able to attend to join the rally at the Sheraton Hotel on Queen Street at 12:30 pm for a Rally. Bring your signs, flags, and voices!

WHAT:  GO Transit striking workers’ Rally

DATE:  November 10, 2022

TIME:  12:30 pm

WHERE: Sheraton Hotel, 123 Queen Street, Toronto (front of hotel)

Statement from ATU Local 113

We learned today of revisions to the City of Toronto mandatory vaccination policy and reinstatement of terminated employees. ATU Local 113 is looking closely at this announcement and will seek to meet with the TTC regarding the ongoing TTC policy and over 300 related terminations.

Local 113 calls on the Ford government to return to the negotiating table with education workers

The Ford government just announced that it will be using legislation to impose a four-year contract on Ontario’s education workers. Worse, Premier Ford will be invoking the Notwithstanding Clause of the constitution to override the Charter of Rights.

Education workers went above and beyond to keep our kids safe and supported through the pandemic. They deserve our gratitude. Instead, Premier Ford is sweeping away their rights as citizens to avoid having to pay them a living wage.

The right to collective bargaining comes from our Charter’s freedom of association and equality provisions. Losing these fundamental rights should be alarming to every Canadian.

Local 113 stands with our education worker sisters, brothers, and comrades, as we stand up for the rights of all Canadians. We are calling on the Ford Government to back down immediately on the proposed legislation and return to the negotiating table instead.

Education workers do their jobs, why won’t Premier Ford