Local 113 Charter Rights Protected After Over a Decade-Long Fight

Earlier today, Local 113 was advised that the Ontario Government has declined to appeal Local 113’s successful Charter Challenge of the Act previously restricting TTC workers’ right to take lawful strike action. This marks the end of more than a decade-long fight for our union to ensure that Local 113 members’ Charter rights were protected. As a result, Local 113 has now been able to freely bargain a collective agreement without interference from government.

This result would be impossible without the strength and solidarity of every Local 113 member. Thanks to their resolve, justice has been done.

Statement regarding incident at Keele Subway Station

ATU Local 113 is saddened to hear of the death of a person stabbed last night at Keele Subway Station. We express our condolences to the family and friends of the deceased as they deal with this tragedy.

We are grateful to the first responders involved in this situation, and we await further details from the ongoing investigation.

Anytime there is an act of violence on transit, it has an impact on all transit workers and transit riders.

ATU Local 113 responds to the 2023 Ontario budget

TORONTO – ATU Local 113 President, Marvin Alfred, says that the 2023 provincial budget does nothing to help TTC riders or make Toronto’s transit system stronger. He released the following statement:

“Today’s provincial budget fails to help people who rely on the TTC everyday. Right now, the TTC is cutting service while the City struggles to afford to operate and maintain the system. With a $366 million budget shortfall, riders will see fares become more expensive and service less reliable.

While the provincial budget has money for new transit lines, there’s no new money to operate and maintain what we have. And, while the budget includes financial relief for riders transferring between GO and 905 transit systems, it completely excludes Toronto and the TTC. There’s nothing in there that makes the lives of TTC riders better, or makes our transit system stronger.

We need to reverse the cuts to the TTC and improve service, but that will take real investment in operating funding. Looking to the upcoming Mayoral election, it’s clear that Toronto needs someone who will be ready to stand up for TTC riders, the workers who keep the system running, and make sure we get investments in our transit system.”

Ongoing Litigation

Yesterday our legal team wrapped up legal arguments in support of Local 113 members’ right to strike. Ian Fellows, leading our legal team, pointed out that Local 113 members had been singled out as the only transit workers in Canada facing a complete ban on striking. He asked why the Crown had not explained why workers in Mississauga or Montreal can strike, but those in Toronto cannot. He also said that interest arbitration did not affirm the basic human rights and dignity of working people. It is a basic human right for workers to say enough is enough and walk of the job if they are not being treated properly. Also in court were lawyers from CUPE Local 2 who have stood side to side with Local 113 in the fight for this basic human right. The presiding judge, Justice Chalmers, advised he would issue a decision in writing. We anticipate that it will take several months for a decision to be released.

Reminder: Right to Strike

ATU Local 113 will be in the Ontario Court of Justice, in Toronto, on February 9th and 10th fighting to uphold the fundamental Charter right of members to strike. It is expected the court will issue a written decision at a later date.

Stabbing incident at High Park Station

ATU Local 113 is saddened and outraged by the death of a female TTC passenger who was attacked today at High Park Station. We express our condolences to the family and friends of the deceased as they try to deal with this senseless tragedy.

 ATU Local 113 also thinking of the second female TTC passenger who was injured in the attack. Like everyone, we are relieved to know she is in stable condition. We wish her a full and fast recovery.

 Our thoughts and thanks go out to the transit workers involved in providing emergency care until the authorities arrived. 

 ATU Local 113, along with the citizens of Toronto, are outraged at these repeated acts of violence on public transit and demand that the #CityofToronto and the #TTC take transit safety seriously and now act with urgency. Waiting is not an option.