Sisters and Brothers,

This week, the TTC declared its intention to unilaterally alter the start dates for the Bus, Streetcar, and Subway Board Period Sign-Ups. This is a flagrant and egregious breach of the Collective Agreement, the Sign-Up Regulations, and the Labour Relations Act.

This totally unprecedented move creates unnecessary conflict and poses a very serious risk to passenger service levels and reliability. The TTC have offered no reasons for their clear violation of both Ontario law and negotiated agreements. TTC CEO Rick Leary needs to explain why he is suddenly preparing to reduce the number of vehicles serving TTC riders.

The Sign-Up Regulations state that “the initial selection will be conducted according to the yearly Board Period, (or as mutually agreed upon).” Furthermore, the TTC and ATU Local 113 have agreed to a system to address a change in workforce in advance of a scheduled Sign-Up.

Rather than follow the rules agreed upon, the TTC has chosen to break them. This is fundamentally inconsistent with the bedrock principles of labour relations and demonstrates genuine disrespect to the Union and its hardworking members – who have kept Toronto moving throughout the pandemic.

The TTC and ATU Local 113 are currently in a statutory freeze period in which “the employer shall not, except with the consent of the bargaining agent, alter the rates of wages or any other term or condition of employment”. The TTC’s unilateral actions violate this clear legal requirement.

Today, we informed the TTC of the need to immediately correct their actions. If not, ATU Local 113 will file an Unfair Labour Practice Application at the Ontario Labour Relations Board for breach of the statutory freeze provisions. You can read our letters to the TTC below.

In Solidarity,

Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113

Letter to Rick Leary, Chief Executive Officer, TTC

Letter to Richard Leary - Sign-Ups - October 8, 2021


Letter to James Ross, Chief Operating Officer, TTC

Letter to James Ross - Sign-Ups - October 8, 2021