Sisters and Brothers,
I want all members to know that I am very concerned about the TTC announcement today regarding mandatory vaccination.
Local 113 supports the right of every member of Local 113 to make their own informed decisions about their personal health matters, including vaccination. We oppose mandatory vaccination of Local 113 members.
As Mr. Leary said in his statement earlier today, the TTC has made this announcement without having crafted a policy. The TTC has clearly not finalized how any potential policy will work, or made clear what alternatives to vaccination (if any) will be offered. The TTC has also not made clear what consequences (if any) will flow from a member’s refusal to be vaccinated.
Whatever the TTC ultimately determines, please know that Local 113 will aggressively oppose any action of the TTC which violates the rights of any member, whether it be unreasonable exercise of management’s rights, an express violation of the Collective Agreement, or a violation of the law, including the Human Rights Code.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me, your Board Member, or any Local 113 officer to discuss this or any other issue.
Carlos Santos
President of ATU Local 113