Wed, 2009-09-23

ATU Local 113 is a proud supporter of Courage Canada, a Federally-registered non-profit organization founded in 2008 by Mark John DeMontis to give visually impaired children an opportunity to play hockey. Promoting awareness and fundraising for the unique program, the only one of its kind in the world, was the reason DeMontis began his “Quest to the West” on June 27. Starting in Toronto, Mark has been inline skating the 5000 kilometres to Vancouver, where he and his team expect to arrive in mid-October.

[image align=”alignleft” image_size_alias=”300*225″ image_alt=”” margin_top=”” margin_right=”” margin_bottom=”” margin_left=”” action=”none” image_action_link=”#” target=”_self” link_title=”” sc_id=”sc1336104121976″][/image] ATU Local 113 President Bob Kinnear gives Mark DeMontis a $5,000 cheque from the members of the union at a celebration prior to Mark’s “Quest to the West” inline skate marathon to Vancouver.

[image align=”alignleft” image_size_alias=”300*225″][/image]Close-up of the Courage Canada Van.

[image align=”alignleft” image_size_alias=”300*225″][/image]The Courage Canada Van. The familiar Maple Leaf logo of Local 113 is on both sides of the van along with those of other sponsors, Tim Horton’s, Reebok and the Lions Club.