Sisters and Brothers,
ATU Local 113 agrees wearing masks is important to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Workers should always wear masks while on TTC property, such as travelling between shifts or getting to and from work, however there are some exceptions.
It’s important for the TTC to understand some workers have medical conditions that prevent them from wearing masks. If a member has such a condition that prevents mask wearing, ATU Local 113 will support them.
With operators working behind protective barriers or in cabs posing no risk to public health, it is unreasonable for the TTC to force them to wear masks while operating TTC subways, streetcars, buses and Wheel-Trans vehicles. From a safety standpoint, wearing face coverings can be a distraction for some operators to safely operate vehicles. Our union will support operators that do not want to wear a mask while operating vehicles, but we expect them to wear a mask on TTC property at all other times.
Maintenance members should be wearing a mask if they are unable to practise safe physical distancing during their shifts. Masks should be optional for maintenance members if it’s possible to keep a two-metre distance on shop floors. If a member isn’t wearing a mask during their shifts but is practicing safe physical distancing, the union will support them. Like operators, we expect maintenance members to always wear a mask on TTC property if they do not have a medical condition, are unable to practice physical distancing during their shifts or getting to and from work.
The policy change comes into effect on Thursday, September 17.
ATU Local 113 will always support members if they are following the above guidelines.
In solidarity,
Carlos Santos
President, ATU Local 113